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Livres Livres
" These feelings in us are such as require for their exciting cause an intelligent being-. we are not affectionate towards a stone, nor do we feel shame before a horse or a dog; we have no remorse or compunction on breaking mere human law: yet, so it is,... "
Personality, Human and Divine: Being the Bampton Lectures for the Year 1894 - Page 261
de John Richardson Illingworth - 1898 - 274 pages
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The Theological review [ed. by C. Beard]., Volume 7

Charles Beard - 1870 - 626 pages
...shame before a horse or a dog ; we have no remorse or compunction on breaking mere human law : yet, so it is, conscience excites all these painful emotions,...flee ? Whence his terror ? Who is it that he sees in solilude, in darkness, in the hidden chambers of his heart ? If the cause of these emotions does not...
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The Theological Review: A Quarterly Journal of Religious Thought ..., Volume 7

1870 - 628 pages
...shame before a horse or a dog ; we have no remorse or compunction on breaking mere human law : yet, so it is, conscience excites all these painful emotions,...'The wicked flees, when no one pursueth ;' then why docs ho flee ? Whence his terror? Who is it that he sees in solitude, in darkness, in the hidden chambers...
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An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent

John Henry Newman - 1870 - 496 pages
...shame before a horse or a dog ; we have no remorse or compunction on breaking mere human law : yet, so it is, conscience excites all these painful emotions,...object to elicit. " The wicked flees, when no one one pursueth ;" then why does he flee? whence his terror? Who is it that he sees in solitude, in darkness,...
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Catholic World, Volume 12

1871 - 896 pages
...shame before a horse or a dog ; we have no remorse or compunction on breaking mere human law ; yet, so it is, conscience excites all these painful emotions,, a resignation, and a hope which there is no earthly object to elicit. 'The wicked flees, when no one pursueth;' then why doeshc flee? whence his...
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The British and Foreign Evangelical Review, Volume 21

1872 - 832 pages
...shame before a horse or a dog ; we have no remorse or compunction on breaking mere human law; yet, so it is, conscience excites all these painful emotions,...there is no sensible, no earthly object to elicit." ' We have now examined the leading points in Mr Mill's exposition and proof of the Utilitarian theory...
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The two blasphemies, 5 sermons

Henry Harris - 1874 - 170 pages
...feel shame before a horse or a dog; we have no remorse of compunction on breaking mere human law ; yet so it is, conscience excites all these painful emotions, confusion, foreboding, self-condemnation; and so, on the other hand, it sheds upon us a deep peace, a sense of security, a resignation, and a hope,...
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Characteristics from the Writings of John Henry Newman: Being Selections ...

John Henry Newman - 1875 - 480 pages
...shame before a horse or a dog ; we have no remorse or compunction in breaking mere human law : yet, so it is, conscience excites all these painful emotions,...selfcondemnation ; and, on the other hand, it sheds upon us a c!c.-p peace, a sense of security, a resignation, and a hope, which there is no sensible, no earthly...
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A Candid Examination of Theism

George John Romanes - 1878 - 228 pages; we have no remorse or compunction in breaking mere human law. Yet so it is ; conscience emits all these painful emotions, confusion, foreboding, no sensible, no earthly object to elicit. 'The it strange, or unlike the usual pro- association has been created between cesses of the human mind,...
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A Candid Examination of Theism

George John Romanes - 1878 - 228 pages
...a dog; we have no remorse or compunction in breaking mere human law. Yet so it is; conscience emits all these painful emotions, confusion, foreboding, sheds upon us a deep peace, a sense of security, a-resignation, and a hope which there is no sensible, no earthly object to elicit. 'The it strange,...
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The Dublin Review

Nicholas Patrick Wiseman - 1880 - 644 pages
...shame before a horse or a dog ; we have no remorse or compunction on breaking mere human law ; yet, so it is, conscience excites all these painful emotions,...sensible, no earthly object to elicit. " The wicked tiees when no one pursueth :" then why does he flee ? and whence his terror ? Who is it that he sees...
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