| Robert Holmes - 1782 - 248 pages
...en" dowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser" mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the *« manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and... | |
 | Ralph Churton - 1785 - 290 pages
...en" dowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser" mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the " manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and... | |
 | George Croft - 1786 - 232 pages
...en" dowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser" mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the " manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and... | |
 | William Hawkins - 1787 - 442 pages
...en" dowment of eight Divinity Ledlure Ser" mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the manner following : " " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges <* only, and... | |
 | William Hawkins - 1787 - 440 pages
...dowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser*' mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the " manner following : *' I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and... | |
 | Joseph White - 1789 - 634 pages
...endowment " of Eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, to be efta" blilhed for ever in the faid Univerfity, and to " be performed in the manner following : " I direct and appoint,, that, upon the firfl " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be yearly " chofen by the Heads of Colleges only, and (c... | |
 | Robert Morres - 1791 - 274 pages
...endow" ment of eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, to " be eftablifhed forever in the faid Univerfity, " and to be performed in the manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be yearly " chofen by the Heads of Colleges only, and "... | |
 | John Eveliegh - 1792 - 310 pages
...endowment of eight Divinity " Lecture Sermons, to be eftablifhed for ever " in the faid Univerfity, and to be performed " in the manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft '' Tuefday in Eafler Term, a Lccturer be yearly " chofen by the Heads of Colleges only, and "... | |
 | James Williamson - 1793 - 264 pages
...endowment of eight " Divinity Lecture Sermons, to be eftablifh" ed for ever in the faid Univerfity, and to " be performed in the manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges '' only, and... | |
 | William Finch - 1797 - 220 pages
...endowment " of eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, to be " eftablifhed for ever in the faid Univer" fity, and to be performed in the manner " following : / " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and... | |
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