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" Oxford for the time being shall take and receive all the rents, issues and profits thereof, and (after all taxes, reparations, and necessary deductions made) that he pay all the remainder to the endowment of eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, to be established... "
Personality, Human and Divine: Being the Bampton Lectures for the Year 1894 - Page v
de John Richardson Illingworth - 1898 - 274 pages
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On the Prophecies and Testimony of John the Baptist, and the Parallel ...

Robert Holmes - 1782 - 248 pages
...en" dowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser" mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the *« manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and...
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Eight Sermons on the Prophecies Respecting the Destruction of Jerusalem ...

Ralph Churton - 1785 - 290 pages
...en" dowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser" mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the " manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and...
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Eight Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford, in the Year 1786: At ...

George Croft - 1786 - 232 pages
...en" dowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser" mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the " manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and...
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Discourses on Scripture Mysteries: Preached at St. Mary's, Oxford, Before ...

William Hawkins - 1787 - 442 pages
...en" dowment of eight Divinity Ledlure Ser" mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the manner following : " " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges <* only, and...
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Discourses on Scripture mysteries, preached at the lecture founded by the ...

William Hawkins - 1787 - 440 pages
...dowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser*' mons, to be eftablifhed for ever in the faid " Univerfity, and to be performed in the " manner following : *' I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and...
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Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford, in the Year 1784,: At the ...

Joseph White - 1789 - 634 pages
...endowment " of Eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, to be efta" blilhed for ever in the faid Univerfity, and to " be performed in the manner following : " I direct and appoint,, that, upon the firfl " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be yearly " chofen by the Heads of Colleges only, and (c...
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Eight Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford: In the Year M DCC ...

Robert Morres - 1791 - 274 pages
...endow" ment of eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, to " be eftablifhed forever in the faid Univerfity, " and to be performed in the manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be yearly " chofen by the Heads of Colleges only, and "...
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View of Our Religion: Eight Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford ...

John Eveliegh - 1792 - 310 pages
...endowment of eight Divinity " Lecture Sermons, to be eftablifhed for ever " in the faid Univerfity, and to be performed " in the manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft '' Tuefday in Eafler Term, a Lccturer be yearly " chofen by the Heads of Colleges only, and "...
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The Truth, Inspiration, Authority, and End of the Scriptures, Considered and ...

James Williamson - 1793 - 264 pages
...endowment of eight " Divinity Lecture Sermons, to be eftablifh" ed for ever in the faid Univerfity, and to " be performed in the manner following : " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges '' only, and...
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The Objections of Infidel Historians and Other Writers Against Christianity ...

William Finch - 1797 - 220 pages
...endowment " of eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, to be " eftablifhed for ever in the faid Univer" fity, and to be performed in the manner " following : / " I direct and appoint, that, upon the firft " Tuefday in Eafter Term, a Lecturer be " yearly chofen by the Heads of Colleges " only, and...
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