A Catalogue of Books for 1818: Including Many Rare and Valuable Articles in Ancient and Modern Literature, Now on Sale ...

The Proprietors, 1818 - 163 pages

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Page 15 - An inquiry into the origin and early history of engraving upon copper and in wood, with an account of engravers and their works, from the invention of chalcography by Maso Finiguerra, to the time of Marc
Page 40 - Cosmologia Sacra: or a discourse of the universe as it is the creature and kingdom of God.
Page 18 - THE SECOND USURPATION OF BUONAPARTE; or, A History of the Causes, Progress, and Termination of the Revolution in France, in 1815 ; particularly...
Page 8 - FINE ARTS OF THE ENGLISH SCHOOL ; illustrated by a series of Engravings from Paintings, Sculpture, and Architecture of Eminent English Artists, with descriptive Essays, atlas 4to.
Page 125 - A view of the conduct of the executive in the foreign affairs of the United States, connected with the mission to the French republic, during the years 1794, 5, & 6.
Page 45 - MAPS, to illustrate the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT, drawn from the best Authorities, ancient and modern, by eminent Artists. To which is now added, an Alphabetical Index of all the Places mentioned in the Atlas, with their Latitude, Longitude, and Scriptural References.
Page 158 - AN HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE COMMERCIAL, POLITICAL, AND MORAL, STATE OF HINDOOSTAN, from the earliest period to the present time: the Rise and Progress of Christianity in the East, its present Condition, and the Means and Probability of its future Advancement; with an Introduction and Map, illustrating the relative situation of the British Empire in the East. By Robert Chatfield, LL.B.
Page 15 - History of Hindostan ;" its Arts and its Sciences, as connected with the history of the other great empires of Asia, during the most ancient periods of the world; with numerous illustrative Engravings,
Page 70 - The Fathers, the Reformers, and the Public Formularies of the Church of England, in Harmony with Calvin and against the Bishop of Lincoln. By a Layman.

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