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" And after eight verses in praise of the beast, with some mention of his connection with Bethlehem and the Wise Men, it closes thus:— "Amen dicas, Asine, lam satur de gramine, Amen, Amen, itera, Aspernare vetera. Hez va, hez va! hez va, hez! Bialx Sire... "
De Navorscher: Een middel tot gedachtenwisseling en letterkundig verkeer ... - Page 358
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The London Christian instructor, or, Congregational magazine, Volume 1

1822 - 746 pages
...Seignior Ass, &c. Amen, dicas, as'me,* Jam siitur de gramine : Amen, amen, itera ; Aspernare velera. Hez va ! hez va ! hez va hez ! Bialx Sire Asnes car allez ; Belle bouche car chantez. Amen ! bray most honoured ass, Sated now with grain and grass ; Amen, repeat, Amen reply, Aiid disregard...
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Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern: Including the Most Popular in the West ...

William Sandys - 1833 - 368 pages
...assez Et de 1'avoine a plantez. The chorus to the last verse was in the following beautiful strain — Hez va ! hez va ! hez va hez ! Bialx Sire Asnes car allez ; Belle bouche car chantez. t * Nichols's Progresses, xli. n. •f A full account of this service is given by Ducange, voce Festum:...
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Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern: Including the Most Popular in the West ...

William Sandys - 1833 - 370 pages
...assez Et de 1'avoine a plantez. The chorus to the last verse was in die following beautiful strain — Hez va ! hez va ! hez va hez ! Bialx Sire Asnes car allez ; Belle bouche car chantez.t * Nichols's Progresses, xli. n. -)- A full account of this service is given by Ducange, voce...
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Allgemeine encyclopädie der wissenschaften und künste in alphabetischer ...

Ersch, Johann Samuel - 1843 - 492 pages
...Sire Asnes etc. etc. 9) Amen dicas Asine, Jam satur de gramine. Amen, Amen itera, Aspernare velerò. Hez va. Hez va! Hez va Hez! Bialx Sire Asnes car allez; Belle Bouche car chantez. Sabrenb biefeê ©efangeê beugte man »or ifjm tue Änie, tei Sere 9 aber fiel et auf tie 33orberfúfje...
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Illustrations of Biblical Literature, Exhibiting the History and ..., Volume 1

James Townley - 1847 - 620 pages
...area. Hez, Sire Asnes, &c. Amen, dicas, asine,* Jam satur de gramine : Amen, amen, itera ; Aspemare vetera. Hez va ! hez va ! hez va hez ! Bialx Sire Asnes car allez ; Belle bouche car chantez."t While he draws the loaded wain, Or many a pack, he don't complain ; With his jaws, a noble...
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De navorscher-Nederlands archief voor genealogie en heraldiek ..., Volume 1853

1853 - 424 pages gramine : Amen , Amen , itera ; Aspernare vetera. Hez va! Hez va! Hez va, Hez! Bialx Sire Asncs car allez; Belle bouche car chantez. — De Engelsche...From the country of the East Came this strong and handsome bcast; This able ass beyond compare. Heavy loads and packs to bear. Now, Signior Ass, a noble...
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Annales archéologiques, Volume 16

1856 - 460 pages
...Amen dicas, asine, (Ici on fléchissait le genou.) Jam satur ex graminc : Amen, amen itera. Aspernaro vetera. Hez va! hez va! hez va! hez! Bialx sire asnes, car allez ; Belle bouche, car chantez. Suit la traduction de cette prose, augmentée, comme on peut le voir, d'une seconde strophe qui contredit...
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Prose specimens for translation into German, with copious vocabularies and ...

Heinrich Apel - 1862 - 270 pages
...Triticnvn a palea Segrcgat in area. Hez etc. Amen dicas, Asine, Jam satur de gramine. Amen, Amen itera, Aspernare vetera. Hez va ! Hez va ! Hez va Hez ! Bialx Sire Asnes car allez; Belle bouche car o.hantez. KF Flogel. 21. THE KEY. There was once a Noble ' whose friends and dependents * had, through...
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The History of Romanism: From the Earliest Corruptions of Christianity to ...

John Dowling - 1871 - 962 pages
...ass, Sated now with grain and grass ; Amen repeat, Amen reply, And disregard antiquity."f JI !•:/. VA! HEZ VA ! HEZ VA HEZ! BIALX SIRE ASNES CAR ALLEZ ; BELLE BOUCHE CAR CHAKTEZ."J The learned Edgar closes the account which he gives of this ridiculous mummery, in the following...
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The Bible educator, ed. by E.H. Plumptre, Volume 1 ;Volume 184

Edward Hayes Plumptre - 1877 - 802 pages
...Asnes, Ac. " Amen, dicas, Amen. (Hie genufiectabatur.) " Jam satur de gramine •. Amen, Amen itera Aspernare vetera. Hez va ! hez va ! hez va ! hez ! Bialx, Sire Asnes, car allez ; Belle bouche car cliantez." (Du Conge, Glos., sv Fwium Asinorum.) THE INSPIRATION OF HOLY SCKIPTUEE.— H. BT TH« BIT....
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