Translation of the famous Greek
War Song, Δεῦτε παῖδες, κ.τ.λ.
First published, Childe Harold,
1812 (4to)
Translation of the Romaic Song,
Μπένω μεσ' τὸ περιβόλι, κ.τ.λ.
First published, Childe Harold,
1812 (4to)
On Parting. First published, Childe
Harold, 1812 (410)
Farewell to Malta. First published,
Poems on his Domestic Circum-
stances, by W. Hone (Sixth Edi-
tion, 1816)
Newstead Abbey. First published,
Memoir of Rev. F. Hodgson, 1878,
i. 187