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" The French Garden : for English Ladyes and Gentlewomen to walke in. Or, A Sommer dayes labour. Being an instruction for the attayning vnto the knowledge of the French tongue... "
Chronologisches Verzeichnis französischer Grammatiken vom Ende des 14. bis ... - Page 32
de Edmund Stengel - 1890 - 150 pages
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Observations on Popular Antiquities: Chiefly Illustrating the ..., Volume 2

John Brand - 1841 - 356 pages
...sick, and comes to its former colour again as they recover health.'' In a most rare work, entitled " The French Garden, for English Ladyes and Gentlewomen to walke in : or a Sommer Dayes Lahour,'' &c. hy Peter Erondell and John Fahre, 8vo. Lond. 1621, Signat. H. 2, in a Dialogue relative...
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Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain: Chiefly ..., Volume 2

Brand - 1849 - 544 pages
...and creame, and widi a ragge knitte about the necke of the younge babe." In a most rare work, entided the French Garden for English Ladyes and Gentlewomen to walke in: or a Sommer Dayes Labour, &c., by Peter Erondell and John Fabre, 1621, in a dialogue relative to die dress of a child, we have...
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Handbook to the Popular, Poetical and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain ...

William Carew Hazlitt - 1867 - 732 pages
...of which are in the British Museum. t ERONDEL (Peter).— 1. The French Garden : for English Lüdyes and Gentlewomen to walke in. Or, A Sommer dayes labour....instruction for the attayning vnto the knowledge of the French Tongue : wherein for the practise thereof, are framed thirteene Dialogues in French and English,...
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Early English Text Society: Extra series, Numéro 2

1869 - 440 pages
...Guez, supra p. 61. Since the above was written, Mr. Payne has obligingly brought under my notice : " The French Garden : for English Ladyes and Gentlewomen...instruction for the attayning vnto the knowledge of the French tongue .... By Peter Erondell, Professor of the same Language, London, 1605, 8vo., the English...
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Publications: Second Series

Chaucer Society (London, England) - 1869 - 438 pages
...Guez, supra p. 61. Since the above was written, Mr. Payne has obligingly brought under my notice : " The French Garden : for English Ladyes and Gentlewomen...instruction for the attayning vnto the knowledge of the French tongue .... By Peter Erondett, Professor of the same Language, London, 1605, 8vo., the English...
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On Early English Pronunciation: With Special Reference to ..., Volume 1

Alexander John Ellis - 1869 - 440 pages
...Guez, supra p. 61. Since the above was written, Mr. Payne has obligingly brought under my notice : "The French Garden : for English Ladyes and Gentlewomen...Sommer dayes labour. Being an instruction for the attayuing vnto the knowledge of the French tongue .... By Peter JSrondell, Professor of the same Language,...
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On Early English Pronunciation, with Especial Reference ..., Numéro 2 ;Numéro 7

Alexander John Ellis - 1869 - 666 pages
...written, Mr. 1'aync has obligingly brought under my notice : "The French Garden : for English Ludvcs und Gentlewomen to walke in. Or, A Sommer dayes labour....instruction for the attayning vnto the knowledge of the French tongue .... By Peter Егонdell, Professor of the same Language, London, ICO.), Svo., the...
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De la prononciation française depuis le commencement du xvi.e ..., Volume 1

François Charles E. Thurot - 1881 - 704 pages
...ailleiir que par M. l'.llis, note, col. i) : » The French garden : for english Ladyes and Genllewomen to walke in. Or, A sommer dayes labour. Being an instruction for the attayning vnto the knowledge of the French tongue. . . By Peter Erondell, professor of the same language. London, i6o5, in-8°.7> M. Ellis...
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De la prononciation française depuis le commencement du lóe siècle ..., Volume 1

Charles Thurot - 1881 - 690 pages
...invoquent son autorité. note, col. i) : <r The French garden : for english Ladyes and Genllewomen to walke in. Or, A sommer dayes labour. Being an instruction for thé attayning vnto thé knowledge of thé Frencli longue... By Peter Erondell, professor of thé saine...
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De la prononciation française depuis le commencement du XVIe ..., Volume 1

Charles Thurot - 1881 - 690 pages
...invoquent son autorité. note, col. i) : « The French garden : for english Ladyes and Genllewomen to walke in. Or, A sommer dayes labour. Being an instruction for thé attayning vnto thé knowledge of thé French longue. . . By Peter Erondell, professor of thé...
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