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" Campo di Fior, or else, the flourie Field of four Languages: for the Furtherance of the Learners of the Latine, French, English, but chieflie of the Italien Tongue. "
Chronologisches Verzeichnis französischer Grammatiken vom Ende des 14. bis ... - Page 26
de Edmund Stengel - 1890 - 150 pages
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The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature ..., Volume 2,Partie 2

William Thomas Lowndes - 1859 - 324 pages
...Verbs, which may be culled the second chiefest Worke of the French Tongue. Lond. 1580, 16mo. Campo di Fior, or else, the flourie Field of four Languages:...of the Learners of the Latine, French, English, but chieflin of the Italien Tongue. Lond. 1583, 16mo. Hibbert,8883, morocco, 11s 6d. The Italian Schoole-maister....
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The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature: Containing an ..., Partie 4

William Thomas Lowndes - 1859 - 336 pages
...Verbs, which may be called the second chiefest Worke of the French Tongue. Lond. 1580, I6rao. Campo di Fior, or else, the flourie Field of four Languages:...of the Latine, French, English, but chieflie of the Italien Tongue. Lond. 1583, 16mo. Ilibbert, 3SS3, morocco, 11s 6d. The Italian Schoole-maister. Lond....
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The bibliographer's manual of English literature, containing an ..., Volume 4

William Thomas Lowndes - 1859 - 318 pages
...the second chiefest Worke of the French Tongue. Lond. 1580, 16mo. Campo di Fior, or else, the flonrie Field of four Languages: for the Furtherance of the...of the Latine, French, English, but chieflie of the Italien Tongue. Lond. 1583, 16mo. Hlbbert,3SS3, morocco, 11s. 6d. The Italian Schoole-maister. Lond....
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The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature ..., Volume 2,Partie 2

William Thomas Lowndes - 1859 - 326 pages
...the second chiefeRt Worke of the French Tongue. Lond. 1680, 16mo. Campo di Fior, or else, the flonrie Field of four Languages: for the Furtherance of the Learners of the Latine, French. English, but ehieflie of the Italien Tongue. Lond. 1583, 16mo. Hibbert, 3883, morocco, 11s 6d. The Italian Schoole-maister....
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The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature: Containing an ..., Volume 2

William Thomas Lowndes - 1865 - 602 pages
...Verbs, which may be called the second chiefest Worke of the French Tongue. Lond. 1580, 16mo. Campo di Fior, or else, the flourie Field of four Languages:...of the Learners of the Latine, French, English, but chiefiie of the Italien longue. Lond. 1583, 16mo. Hibbert, 3683, morocco, 11s. 6d. The Italian Schoole-maister....
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Shakespere and typography. Also, remarks upon some common ..., Volume 63

William Blades - 1872 - 100 pages " he would also have often in his hands:— Campo di Fior; or else the Flourie field of four e Languages, for the furtherance of the learners of the Latine, French, English, but chiefly of the Italian tongue. Imprinted at London, by Thos. Vautrollier, dwelling in the Black Friers...
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Collections and Notes, 1867-1876

William Carew Hazlitt - 1876 - 522 pages
...Campo di Fior or else the Flovrie Field of Fovre Langvages of M. Clavdius Desainliens, alias Holiband : For the furtherance of the learners of the Latine,...French, English, but chieflie of the Italian tongue. Dum spiro, »pero. Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier dwelling in the Blacke-Friers by Lud-gate....
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Collections and Notes: 1867-1876

William Carew Hazlitt - 1876 - 522 pages
...di Fior or else the Flovrie FieM of Fovre Langvages of M. Clavditu Г)еsainlieus, alias Holiband : For the furtherance of the learners of the Latine, French, English, but chieflie of the lulian tongue. Dum spiro, fjxro. imprinted at London by Thomas Vanti < '.;'•• lier dwelling in...
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Catalogus der bibliotheek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche letterkunde ...

Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde te Leiden. Bibliotheek - 1877 - 876 pages
...vertaald, gedrukt of verspreid geworden. (Amst. 1845.)- 8°. Desainliens, C., alias Holiband, Campo di fior or else the flourie field of four Languages...French , English , but chieflie of the Italian tongue. Lond. 1583. 12°. Case , I. de la , Le Galatée , premièrement composé en Italien et depuis mis en...
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Catalogue of books in the ... British museum printed in England, Scotland ...

British museum dept. of pr. books - 1884 - 618 pages
...or else the fldurio field of foil re languages of M. ('. DwHÏiilii-лм, alias HoliD EH DES band : for the furtherance of the learners of the Latine,...French, English, but chieflie of the Italian tongue. T. Vautroullier, London, 1583. 16mo. 629. a. 36. DESAINLIENS (CLAUDE) Claudii a Sancto Vinculo de pronuntiatione...
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