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" Here begynneth the introductory to wryte, and to pronounce Frenche compyled by Alexander Barcley compendiously at the commauwdemewt of the ryght hye excellent and myghty prynce Thomas duke of Northfolke. "
Chronologisches Verzeichnis französischer Grammatiken vom Ende des 14. bis ... - Page 19
de Edmund Stengel - 1890 - 150 pages
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On Early English Pronunciation: With Special Reference to ..., Volumes 2 à 3

Alexander John Ellis - 1869 - 656 pages
...same intent, wherby they shall the soner come to ¿Ac parfyte knowlege of the same. if Here endeth the introductory to wryte and to pronounce frenche compyled by Alexander barcley. [The above ends at p. 31, col. 2, 1. 9 ; after which : if Here foloweth the manor of dauncynge of bace...
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Publications: Second Series

Chaucer Society (London, England) - 1870 - 414 pages
...inserted in brackets. The / point is represented by a comma. Contractions are extended in italics. [1] 41 Here begynneth the introductory to wryte, and to pronounce...compyled by Alexander Barcley compendiously at the commauTzdemewt of the ryght hye excellent and myghty prynce Thomas d uke of Northfolke. [Plate representing...
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On Early English Pronunciation, with Especial Reference to Shakespeare and ...

Alexander John Ellis - 1871 - 408 pages
...the same intent, wherby they shaÛ the soner come to the parfyte knowlege of the same. ^f Here endeth the introductory to wryte and to pronounce frenche compyled by Alexander barcley. [The above ends at p. 81, col. 2, 1. 9 ; after which: ^ Here foloweth the maner of dauncyngo of bace...
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Jyl of Breyntfords Testament

Robert Copland - 1871 - 356 pages
...dansand base dansis4, 1 See p. 9 (note 7). 2 gambolling. 3 striding. « [Douce, B. 507. (Bodl. Libr.)] The introductory to wryte and to pronounce Frenche compyled by Alexander Barcley. Lond. 1521, 4°. [leaf 16.] Tf Here foloweth the maner of dauncynge of bace daunces after the vse of...
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On Early English Pronunciation, with Especial Reference to Shakspere and ...

Alexander John Ellis - 1871 - 398 pages
...the same intent, wherby they shall the soner come to the parfyte knowlege of the same. 1f Here endeth the introductory to wryte and to pronounce frenche compyled by Alexander barcley. [The above ends at p. 31, col. 2, 1. 9; after which: ^f Here foloweth the maner of dauncynge of hace...
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De la prononciation française depuis le commencement du XVIe ..., Volume 1

Charles Thurot - 1881 - 690 pages
...La première édition a été publiée à Kouen, i5ai, in-4". 1521. BARCLEY. — Hère begynetk thé introductory to wryte and to pronounce Frenche, compyled by Alexander Barcley, compendiously atthecommaundementof thé ryght hye excellent and myghtyprynce Thomas, duke of Northfolke. Palsgrave...
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Captain Cox, His Ballads and Books: Or, Robert Laneham's Letter : Whearin ...

Robert Laneham - 1890 - 302 pages
...dansand base dansis4, 1 See p. 9 (note 7). a gambolling. 3 striding. 4 [Douce, B. 507. (Bodl. Libr.)] The introductory to wryte and to pronounce Frenche compyled by Alexander Barcley. Lond. 1521, 4°. [leaf 16.] H Here foloweth the maner of dauncynge of bace dauwces after the vse of...
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Neuenglisches Lesebuch zur Einführung in das Studium der Denkmäler ..., Volume 1

Ewald Flügel - 1895 - 570 pages
...Bahnbrechers verdient hat: seine Einftlhrung franzosisch aussprechen und schreiben zu lernen: Here beyunneth the introductory to wryte / and to pronounce Frenche...compyled by Alexander Barcley compendiously at the commaudemet of the ryght hye excellent and myghty prynce Thomas Duke of Northfolke Das Biichlem erschicn...
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Catalogue of the General Assembly Library of New Zealand, Volume 1

New Zealand. Parliament. Library, General Assembly Library - 1897 - 528 pages
...partial demonetisation of silver on England and India. 22 cm. L. [1886.] Barclay (Alexander), Priest. Here begynneth the introductory to wryte, and to pronounce...compyled by Alexander Barcley compendiously at the comtnaundement of the ryght live excellent and miglity prynce Thomas duke of Northfolke. L. 1521. This...
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Supplementary Catalogue of the California State Library, General Department ...

California State Library - 1898 - 1014 pages
...Representatives Feb. 3 and 25, 1893. Wash., 1893. 93 p. por. Q. (US Cong. SMD) BARCLAY, Alexander. Here begynneth the introductory to wryte and to the commaundement of the ryght hye excellent and myghty prynce Thomas duke of Northfolke. (In Ellis. AJ Early Eng. pronunciation; pt. 3. Early Eng....
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