The republican periodG, Bell and sons, 1873 |
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Page 30
... ( Fasti ) ; in epic metre he treated only the mythological subject of transformations ( Metamorph . ) . Some of Ovid's contemporaries with less taste , and in blind imitation of the Alexandrine poets , treated utterly prosaic subjects in ...
... ( Fasti ) ; in epic metre he treated only the mythological subject of transformations ( Metamorph . ) . Some of Ovid's contemporaries with less taste , and in blind imitation of the Alexandrine poets , treated utterly prosaic subjects in ...
Page 41
... fasti and annales , libri pontificii , commentarii regum , magistratuum , and from the beginning of the Republic the yearly change of the magistrates was an additional stimulus to keep registers of this kind . But the families also had ...
... fasti and annales , libri pontificii , commentarii regum , magistratuum , and from the beginning of the Republic the yearly change of the magistrates was an additional stimulus to keep registers of this kind . But the families also had ...
Page 47
... Fasti , also an Easter - table and , with a list of the praefecti urbis , also one of the Roman Bishops and Martyrs . Sulpicius Severus ' chronicles ( c . 400 ) contain a summary of biblical and post - biblical history ; Orosius ' work ...
... Fasti , also an Easter - table and , with a list of the praefecti urbis , also one of the Roman Bishops and Martyrs . Sulpicius Severus ' chronicles ( c . 400 ) contain a summary of biblical and post - biblical history ; Orosius ' work ...
Page 50
... fasti ( from the foundation of the City until his own time ) with the lines : hactenus adscripsi fastos . Si fors volet , ultra adiciam ; si non , qui legis , adicies . 7. The observations on the conclusion of ancient and the be ...
... fasti ( from the foundation of the City until his own time ) with the lines : hactenus adscripsi fastos . Si fors volet , ultra adiciam ; si non , qui legis , adicies . 7. The observations on the conclusion of ancient and the be ...
Page 87
... fasti , i . e . a list of the days set aside for the administration of the law ( dies agendi , dies fasti ) , this being part of the table of each month ( Kalendarium ) , enumera- ting also the feasts , games , markets , sacrifices etc ...
... fasti , i . e . a list of the days set aside for the administration of the law ( dies agendi , dies fasti ) , this being part of the table of each month ( Kalendarium ) , enumera- ting also the feasts , games , markets , sacrifices etc ...
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Aelius Aeneid apud atque auctor Augustus Berlin Bonn Brut Brutus Caes Caesar Cato Catullus century character Cicero comp Cons controv Cornelius Cornelius Nepos cuius Drumann edition eius Ennius especially etiam fasti Festus fragments fuit Gell gramm Greek Haakh in Pauly's Hist Horace Hyginus iuris Jahn's Jahrb Labeo Latin Leipzig libri libro Lips Livy Lucilius Lucretius Lugd Macrob mentioned Messala metre Mommsen Müller multa orationes orator Orelli Ovid Pauly's Encyclop Philologus Plautus Plin Plut poems poeta poets Pollio Pompey praef praetor Priscian Propertius quae Quaest quam quibus quidem Quintil Quintilian quod rerum Rhein rhetorical Ribbeck Ritschl Roman Rome saec Sallust Schol scripsit Seneca speeches style Suet Suetonius sunt Teuffel Teuffel in Pauly's Tibullus Valerius Varro Verrius Flaccus VIII Virgil vita vols writings wrote καὶ
Fréquemment cités
Page 373 - Pierides, sunt et mihi carmina, me quoque dicunt vatem pastores; sed non ego credulus illis. nam neque adhuc Vario videor nee dicere Cinna digna, sed argutos inter strepere anser olores.
Page 478 - ... sex ego Fastorum scripsi totidemque libellos, cumque suo finem mense volumen habet, idque tuo nuper scriptum sub nomine, Caesar, et tibi sacratum sors mea rupit opus...
Page 345 - Pius aut De Pace, C. Sallustium scriptorem seriae illius et severae orationis, in cuius historia notiones censorias fieri atque exerceri videmus, in adulterio deprehensum ab Annio Milone loris bene caesum dicit et, cum dedisset pecuniam, dimissum.
Page 472 - Ovidii Medea videtur mihi ostendere, quantum ille vir praestare potuerit, si ingenio suo imperare quam indulgere maluisset.
Page 339 - Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur, postea amatorio poculo in furorem versus cum aliquot libros per intervalla insaniae conscripsisset quos postea Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno aetatis xliiii.
Page 92 - Erat enim historia nihil aliud nisi annalium confectio, cuius rei, memoriaeque publicae retinendae causa, ab initio rerum Romanarum usque ad P. Mucium pontificem maximum, res omnes singulorum annorum mandabat litteris pontifex maximus, referebatque in album, et proponebat tabulam domi, potestas ut esset populo cognoscendi, hique etiam nunc Annales 53 Maximi nominantur. Hanc similitudinem scribendi multi secuti sunt, qui sine ullis ornamentis monumenta solum temporum, hominum, locorum gestarumque...
Page 478 - Sacra recognosces annalibus eruta priscis, Et quo sit merito quaeque notata dies.
Page 36 - Laevius inplicata et Hortensius invenusta et Cinna inlepida et Memmius dura ac deinceps omnes rudia fecerunt atque absona.
Page 5 - Vergilius in georgicis meminit, cum hoc modo dicit, lancibus et pandis fumantia reddimus exta et lancesque et liba feremus : sive a quodam genere farciminis, quod multis rebus refertum saturam dicit Varro vocitatum. est autem hoc positum in secundo libro Plautinarum quaestionum, 'satura est uva passa et polenta et nuclei pini ex mulso consparsi'.
Page 2 - Besides this, in the same work of Cato, I recall also these scattered and cursory remarks : 4 "It was " Brut. 148. « p. 83, 1, Jordan. inquit, "in foro honeste mos erat, domi quod satis erat. Equos carius quam coquos emebant. Poeticae artis honos non erat. Si quis in ea re studebat aut sese ad convivia adplicabat, ' crassator