M. CAREY AND SONS A TIHIRD AMERICAN EDITION of a Complete GENEALO 1. Geographical map of the Modern World. 2. Chronological chart of the revolutions of all nations. 3. Chronological chart of the events of the French revolution. 4. and 5. Pantography of history, from the Christian era, till the year 1815. 8. Geographical Map of sacred history. 9. Genealogical Map of sacred history, from Saul to the birth of Christ. 10. Historical map of Syria and Lydia. 11. Historical map of Persia and Syria. 12. Genealogical map of the Parthian empire. 14. Geographical and statistical map of Greece. 15. Historical map of the Gomerians or Celtes. 16. Historical map of the most considerable kingdoms of Greece. 17. Summary of the history of Greece and Troy. 18. Geographical and historical map of the Roman empire. 19. Historical map of the Roman republic, from A. M. 3257 to 3973. 20. Historical map of the Roman empire, from Augustus to Constanting. 21. Historical map of the Roman empire to Augustulus, 476. 22. Map of the incursions of the barbarians. 23. Historical map of the empire of Constantinople, from 359 to 1185. 24. Historical map of the empire of Constantinople, from 1059 to 1453. 25. Geographical and statistical map of modern Europe. 26. Historical map of the church to the year 1815. 27. Geographical and historical map of the British empire. 28. Historical map of the kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxons. 31. Historical map of England from 1485 to 1815. 32. Historical map of the house of Brunswick. 33. Geographical and statistical map of Scotland. 34 Historical map of Scotland from Fergus II. to James VI. 35. Geographical and statistical map of Ireland. 36. Historical map of the Milesiar: kings of Ireland. 37. Geographical and statistical map of France, divided into governments. 38. Geographical and statistical map of France, divided into departments. 39. Historical map of France from 420 to 752. 40. Historical map of France from 752 to 987. 41. Historical map of France from 987 to 1589. 42. Historical map of France from 1589 to 1815. 43. Geographical and statistical map of Spain and Portugal. 44. Historical map of Spain from 1000 to 1815. 45. Historical map of Portugal from 1092 to 1815. 46. Geographical and statistical map of the German empire. 47. Historical map of the German empire from 800 to 1273. 48. Historical map of the German empire from 1273 to 1816. 49. and 50. Historical maps of the clectoral houses of Germany. 51. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of the Netherlands. 52. Geographical and statistical map of Italy. 5.3. Historical map of the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily. 54. Historical map of the house of Savoy from 1000 to 1815. 55. Geographical and statistical map of Poland and Hungary. 56. Historical map of Poland, Bohemia, and Hungary. 57. Geographical and statistical map of Russia. 58. Historical map of Prussia and Russia. 59. Geographical and statistical map of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. 60. Historical map of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. 61. Geographical and statistical map of Turkey in Europe and Asia. 62. Historical map of Turkey and Persia. 63. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Asia. 64. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of China. 65. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of India. 66. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Africa. 67. Geographical, statistical, and historical maps of North and South 68. Geographical map of the United States. 69. Historical and statistical map of the United States. I. It shall be executed in the same handsome style as the two editions al- II. It is now in press, and will be published with as little delay as possible. V. Those persons who obtain nine subscribers, and pay for their books, As a Companion to the preceding- AN HISTORICAL, CHRONOLOGICAL, and GEOGRAPHI- CONTENTS. 1. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of North America. 2. Pantography of American History: exhibiting at one view the relative situation of the various states of America, from their first settlement to the present time. With a list of eminent characters and the periods in which they 3. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Upper and Lower Canada, and the other British Possessions. 4. Geographical map of the United States. 5. Geographical and statistical map of the United States. 6. Historical map of the United States from their settlement to the Declara 7. Historical map of the United States from the Revolution to the present 8. Chronological map of the United States from their settlement to the De- 9. Chronological map of the United States from the Revolution to the pre. 10. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Maine. 11. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of New Hampshire. 12. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Massachusetts. 13 Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Rhode Island. 14. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Connecticut. 15. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Vermont. 16. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of New York. 17. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of New Jersey. 18. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Pennsylvania. 19. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Delaware. 20. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Maryland. 21.. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of the District of Columbia. 22. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Virginia. 23. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of North Carolina. 24. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of South Carolina. 25. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Georgia. 26. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Ohio. 27. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Kentucky. 28. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Tennessee. 29. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Mississippi. 30. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Alabama. 31. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Louisiana. 32. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Indiana. 33. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Illinois. 34. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Missouri. 35. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Arkansaw Territory. 36. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Michigan Territory. 37. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Florida. 38. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Mexico. 39. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of the West Indies. 40. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Cuba and the Bahama 41. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Jamaica. 42. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Hispaniola. 43. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Porto Rico and the 44. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of the Windward Islands. 45. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of the Leeward Islands. 46. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of South America. 47. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of the Republic of Columbia 48. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Brazil. 49. Historical, geographical, and statistical map of Buenos Ayres. TERMS. 1. This Atlas shall contain fifty-one maps, as in the foregoing list, all of which shall be well executed from the best and most recent authorities. The geographical part will be prepared by an eminent geographer, and the historical part by the gentleman who edited the former editions of Lavoisne. II. The work will be executed in the same style as the Atlas of Lavoisne already published by M. Carey & Son. III. The price to subscribers will be twenty dollars. To non-subscribers it will be raised. IV. It is expected that the work will be completed and ready for delivery in the early part of the ensuing year, and will be forwarded to subscribers as soon as possible afterwards. V. Persons obtaining subscribers for nine copies, and paying for them, shall be entitled to a copy gratis. Induced by the very liberal patronage they have received for the two edi. tions of Lavoisne's Historical Atlas, the publishers now submit to the public their proposals for a third edition, accompanied by an Atlas in which will be given maps of all the divisions of the Continent, accompanied by historical, chronological, and geographical information on the plan of Lavoisne. They pledge themselves that the maps shall be co: structed from the most recent authorities, and well engraved; and they have engaged two gentiemen fully competent to the undertaking, who are now employed in the preparation of the historical and geographical parts of the work. Two of the inaps, Nos. 2 and 14, are now considerably advanced, and will shortly be ready for exhibition as specimens of the execution. When this work is completed, the two volumes will form the most complete system of Geography and History that has ever been published, and when it is considered that the whole, (122 maps,) will be furnished to subscribers for Forty-five dollars, (exactly the price of the London edition, containing 67 maps,) they believe it will be admitted that it is one of the cheapest books that has ever appeared in this country. RECOMMENDATIONS OF LAVOISNE'S ATLAS. Washington, 18th July, 1820. DEAR SIR-In reply to your letter of this date, requesting my opinion of the general merits of "LE SAGE'S HISTORICAL ATLAS," and of the propriety of publishing in this country a correct translation of it, I take great pleasure in assuring you, that I consider it the most successful effort of the age, to facilitate the acquisition of historical, genealogical, chronological, and geographical information. In this admirable work, the great events which, from the earliest ages, have changed the civil and political condition of man, and ultimately led to the existing state of human society, are not only described in strong and app appropriate language, but so o clearly and distinctly delineated upon maps, that the mind of the student, without an effort, comprehends, at a glance, their cause, the means employed in their accomplishment, and their remote effects. By this bappy device, the senses are, in a degree unknown to any other work of the saine general nature, employed in aid of the understanding and memory. and greatly advance the progress of the student. I have, for several years, ardently wished that some enterprising individual would furnish the American youth with the means of profiting by this able work; and am happy that it has at last been undertaken by one whose talents and perseverance cannot fail to command the most complete success. I remain, with sentiments of the highest respect, your most obedient servant, 'The Rev. Mr. WEEMS. WM. H. CRAWFORD. Baltimore, Nov. 22d, 1820. DEAR SIR-The reputation of LE SAGE'S Atlas is too well established to require any certificate of merit from me; yet, since you desire it, I have no difficulty in stating my concurrence in the universal opinion of all who have examined the work, that it is one of great value, most happily conceived and ably executed. It is a luminous synopsis of all the great events of history, which are not only written to the understanding, but painted to the eye. It is an epitome of the history of the human family, from the creation of the world; which, by the ingenuity of Mr. Le Sage, has been brought under a single coup d'œil; the chronology most happily arranged, and the march of empire and revolution reduced to a geographical picture. The work is one of such incalculable advantage to the student of history, and of such constant practical utility as a work of reference, that I am much gratified with Mr. Carey's proposal to give an improved translation of it to the public, and very sincerely wish him the success which so weil selected a publication deserves. With great respect, I am, sir, your obedient servant, The Rev. MR. WEEMS. III. WM. WIRT. REPORTS of CASES argued and determined in the HIGH COURT of CHANCERY, in the time of LORD CHANCELLORS THURLOW, ERSKINE, and ELDON, from 1789 to 1812-3. By FRANCIS VESEY, Jr. Esq. of Lincoln's inn, Barrister at Law. In 19 vols. royal 8vo. From the third London edition, with References to American Decisions, by EDWARD D. INGRAHAM, Esq. (Vols. 1 to 5 are now ready.) IV. REPORTS of CASES argued and determined in the HIGH COURT of CHANCERY, in the time of LORD CHANCELLOR ELDON, from 1812-13 to 1814. By FRANCIS VESEY and Jons BEAMES, Esqrs. of Lincoln's Inn, Barristers at Law. In 2 vols. royal 8vo. From the second London edition. With References to American decisions, by EDWARD D. INGRAHAM, Esq. V. INDEX to the CHANCERY REPORTS, by R. BFLT, Esq. In 1 vol. royal 8vo. |