FAVOURITE ENGLISH POEMS A COLLECTION OF SOME OF THE MOST CELEBRATED POEMS IN THE LANGUAGE. CHIEFLY UNABRIDGED. WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. ILLUSTRATED WITH 300 ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD FROM DESIGNS BY C. W. COPE, R.A., T. CRESWICK, R.A., EDWARD DUNCAN, BIRKET FOSTER, J. C. HORSLEY, A.R.A., GEORGE HICKS, R. REDGRAVE, R.A., HARRISON WEIR, AND OTHER EMINENT ARTISTS. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOLUME I.-CHAUCER TO POPE. A.D. 1350 ΤΟ 1700. LONDON: SAMPSON LOW, SON & CO. 47, LUDGATE HILL. 1863. IN making this collection of Early English Poems, the Editor has endeavoured to choose such pieces as best exemplify the character of the Authors' works; and, at the same time, show the various classes of poetry which have been popular in preceding ages. Where it has been possible, he has generally chosen a complete poem, but occasionally, as in the case of SPENSER'S "Faerie Queene," he has preferred to give an extract from a well-known work. A Companion Series, consisting of Favourite English Poems of Modern Times, was published some months since. The two volumes now present a sketch of English Poetry from the time of Chaucer to the present day. |