Rival Playwrights: Marlowe, Jonson, ShakespeareColumbia University Press, 1991 - 203 pages |
Expressions et termes fréquents
allusion Anne Barton Armada artistic authors Bartholomew Fair Ben Jonson Caesar Cambridge canon century Chapman Christopher Marlowe claim classical comedy comic contemporary critical Dido drama dramatists early Edward Edward II Elegies Elizabethan English Faustus Folio genre Greene's Hamlet Henry Henry VI Hero and Leander heroical history Honigmann Humour imitation influence intertextual Jew of Malta JONSON AND SHAKESPEARE kind King lines literary London lyric M. C. Bradbrook Marlovian MARLOWE AND JONSON Marlowe's Marlowe's Hero Marlowe's play Marlowe's poem Marlowe's style Merchant Mortimer Nashe NOTES TO PAGES offers overreacher Oxford parodic recollections parody Passionate Shepherd perhaps play's playwrights poetasters poetic poetry poets political prose Quarto recalls Renaissance response revision Richard rival rivalry romantic scene Sejanus Shake Shakespeare and Jonson SHAKESPEARE AND MARLOWE speare speare's speech stage strategy Tamburlaine theater thou Titus Titus Andronicus tradition tragedy University Press verse vision Volpone William Shakespeare writing