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Inside diameter, 3 inches.

Pitch, 1 inch.

The section of the thread to be square.

4. State the fundamental rules of perspective, and illustrate their application by a simple example.

5. Make an isometrical drawing of the table you are using, and point out the advantages of this mode of delineation.

6. Lay down the meridians and parallels of latitude for a conical map of the colony of Victoria—the limits in latitude being 34° and 39°, and in longitude 141° and 150°. Show the position of Melbourne (latitude 37° 50', longitude 144° 59′). The scale to be 60 miles to the inch.

N.B.-All lines of construction to be clearly shown. Credit will be given for neatness and accuracy of drawing.


Professor Kernot.

(Eight questions only to be attempted.)

1. Explain clearly what is meant by the terms perfect, redundant, and deformable, as applied to framed structures in one plane. Under which of these classes would you place the trestle piers of the Kinzua Viaduct, and why?

2. Discuss the stability of the Victoria-street Bridge under wind and flood pressure; and compare it with chimneys, railway rolling stock, and other bridges.

3. A wrought-iron girder is 60 feet span and 6 feet deep. It consists of ten panels and has a double triangulation. Compute the stresses with a load of 5 tons on each lower panel point.

4. What relations should exist between the tearing, shearing, and bearing area in a riveted tension joint? Design such a joint for a tension bar 5 inches by 1 inch.

5. A bar of cast iron is 3 feet long and 1 inch square. Compute its central breaking load, the supports being at each end.


8. Discuss fully the various methods of utilizing the power of men, and state the comparative results obtained.

9. Make a sketch of a self-regulating windmill for pumping purposes, and explain the use of the various parts.

10. Describe the friction brake, and show how it should be applied to test the power of an engine.

11. Make an outline sketch of an isochronous gravity governor and an isochronous spring governor, and name instances in which such governors have been used in practice.

12. Supply a sketch and description of a quick return motion suitable for an ordinary shaping machine.


Professor Kernot.

(Two questions only in each group to be attempted.)


1. Describe fully the English and German methods of tunnelling, and discuss their relative advantages and disadvantages.

2. Describe fully the preparation of site and of materials, and the mode of construction of an earthen dam of large size.

3. Describe the apparatus used and processes involved in the manufacture of pig iron.

4. Describe the mode of dressing large blocks of stone for use in engineering works.


Give a full and critical description, illustrated by sketches, of the following:

1. The new Cremorne Railway Bridge.

2. The travelling cranes at Prince's Bridge.

3. The Alfred Graving Dock.

4. The express engines used on the Victorian Railways.


1. Design a timber bridge for road purposes 30 feet span, 20 feet wide, the flood level being 10 feet below the deck. The abutments may be assumed as masonry.

2. Design a brick culvert under a railway embankment 60 feet high. The foundation is hard, and the area drained 1 square mile of hilly and rocky country.

3. Design an iron lattice girder 40 feet span to carry a top load of 40 tons distributed.

4. Design an iron tank to supply water to locomotives. The tank to be 25 feet by 15 feet by 5 feet, and supported on timber supports at a height of 15 feet from the ground.


Mr. William Nicholas.

1. Describe the characteristics of Silver-bearing lodes in Australia.

2. Explain why you would anticipate that a faulted reef would be thrown a long or a short distance.

3. How would you test the quality of slates in a quarry?

4. Give descriptions of several methods of securing stopes with timber.

5. Describe several systems of placing blasting boreholes to advantage in the face of a drive.

6. Give descriptions of two kinds of mine pumps.

7. What is the difference between a regular and an irregular quartz reef?

8. What are the characteristics of auriferous quartz reefs in Australia?

9. Describe "blocking out" and "drive" sets of timber.

NOTE.-Illustrative diagrams will enhance the value

of answers.

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