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9. Explain a method of determining a galvanometer constant. A Daniell's and a Grove's Cell were joined up in simple circuit with a Tangent Galvanometer, and when their E.M.F.s acted in the same direction the deflection was 42°, but on reversing the Daniell it sank to 14°. Compare the E.M.F.s.

10. Write brief essays on

(a) Dimensions of Physical Magnitudes and calculation of "change ratios," e.g., that of Magnetic Field Intensity expressed in Kew and in "absolute" units.


"Two manners of motion in water."


The Board of Examiners.

1. What accounts have been given of the origin of the Roman State? Which, if any, appears to you as probably the correct one? Why?

2. Mommsen compares the aristocracy of the later Roman Republic to the peerage and the city magnates of England. How far, if at all, is the comparison apt?

3. State, with reference to the Social War

(a) The reasons which led Drusus to support Gaius Gracchus.

(b) The specific grievances of which the Latins and Italians complained.

(c) The reasons why certain sections of Italians remained friendly to Rome throughout the


4. Who was "the first absolute monarch of the Roman State"? On what grounds is he entitled to the distinction ?

5. Why were so many of Cæsar's personal adherents dissatisfied with his later policy?

6. Give a summary of Mommsen's account of Italy under the rule of the oligarchy.

7. What imperial attributes were evolved from the appellate jurisdiction of the tribune ?

8. Trace the steps by which the Senate gradually advanced a claim to elect the Emperors.

9. What are the claims of Augustus to be styled "templorum omnium conditor aut restitutor"?

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10. Trace the history of the law of Majestas.

11. Give some account of Placidia Augusta.

12. Trace briefly the general causes which led to the fall of the Roman Empire of the West.


1. Point out the more important effects which the

Saxon Conquest produced on the Saxon conquerors of England.

2. Point out the more important effects which the Norman Conquest produced on the Norman conquerors of England.

3. Trace the development of the Comitatus into a territorial nobility in England. Did a corresponding development take place elsewhere in Western Europe?

4. In what form did the Witenagemot reappear, if at all, after the Norman Conquest?

5. Explain the historical importance which attaches " to the Assize of Clarendon.

6. Explain the various modes of trial in use in England at the accession of Henry the Third, and trace the evolution of the modern jury.

7. Give some account of the ordinary means of taxation employed in England in the reign of Edward the First.

8. Which of our early Parliaments does Stubbs regard as a model Parliament, and for what reasons?

9. Give the history of the "Ordinances" of the reign of Edward the Second.

10. "The puerile dispute about giving the title of Lord Bishop to colonial and suffragan bishops could not have arisen had this been kept n

mind.”—Stubbs, iii. p. 440. Explain the allu


11. What were the facts and what was the decision in the case of the Post Nati? A somewhat similar question arose in England recently. What was it?

12. Under what circumstances was the Parliament of 1621 summoned? Give some account of its proceedings.


Dr. Hearn.

1. Translate and comment upon the following passage:

"Non tamen haec summa sponsionis exigitur; nec enim poenalis est, sed praeiudicialis, et propter hoc solum fit ut per eam de re iudicetur. Unde etiam is cum quo agitur non restipulatur; ideo autem appellata est pro praede litis vindiciarum' stipulatio, quia in locum praedium successit: quia olim, cum lege agebatur, pro lite et vindiciis id est pro re et fructibus a possessore petitori dabantur praedes."-Gaius IV. 94.

2. Translate the following passage:-"Incertae vero condemnatio pecuniae duplicem significationem habet. Est enim una cum aliqua praefinitione quae vulgo dicitur cum taxatione velut si incertum aliquid petamus. *** Diversa est quae infinita

est velut si rem aliquam a possidente nostram esse petamus."-Ib. 51.

3. State, in each of the cases mentioned in the next preceding extract, the proper form of Condemnatio.

4. Explain the distinction between actio, interdictum, persecutio.

5. Explain the procedure which preceded and that which followed the Formulary System, and state their respective dates and the causes of each change.

6. Compare Real and Personal Actions in English law with the "in rem actio" and the "in personam actio" of the Roman law.

7. State the "intentio" in an action (a) for the recovery of land; (b) for the enforcement of a right of way over land.

8. State the arguments for and against the inclusion of Pignoris Capio among the Legis Actiones.

9. What was the difference between Cognitor and Procurator?

10. Cicero notices as an absurd blunder that, in a case where he was assessor, the defendant's advocate pressed for the insertion in the Formula of the clause "Quod ea res in judicium antea venisset." Explain the nature of the error.

11. How does Sir H. S. Maine summarize the historical


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