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B.-1. Translate

(a) Erat eo tempore Antonius Brundisii qui, virtuti militum confisus scaphas navium magnarum circiter sexaginta cratibus pluteisque contexit, eoque milites delectos imposuit, atque eas in litore pluribus locis separatim disposuit, navesque triremes duas, quas Brundisii faciendas curaverat, per causam exercendorum remigum ad fauces portus prodire iussit. Has cum audacius progressas Libo vidisset, sperans intercipi posse, quadriremes quinque ad eas misit. Quae cum navibus nostris adpropinquassent, nostri veterani in portum refugiebant: illi studio incitati incautius sequebantur. Iam ex omnibus partibus subito Antonianae scaphae signo dato se in hostes incitaverunt, primoque impetu unam ex his quadriremem cum remigibus defensoribusque suis ceperunt; reliquas turpiter refugere coëgerunt. Ad hoc detrimentum accessit, ut equitibus per oram maritimam ab Antonio dispositis aquari prohiberentur. Qua necessitate et ignominia permotus, Libo discessit a Brundisio, obsessionemque nostrorum omisit.

(b) Continuo auditae voces vagitus et ingens,
Infantumque animae flentes, in limine primo:
Quos dulcis vitae exsortes et ab ubere raptos
Abstulit atra dies, et funere mersit acerbo.
Hos iuxta falso damnati crimine mortis.
Nec vero hae sine sorte datae, sine indice, sedes.
Quaesitor Minos urnam movet; ille silentum
Conciliumque vocat vitasque et crimina discit.
Proxima deinde tenent maesti loca, qui sibi

Insontes peperere manu lucemque perosi

Proiecere animas.

Quam vellent aethere in alto

Nunc et pauperiem et duros perferre labores!

Fas obstat, tristique palus inamabilis unda
Alligat, et novies Styx interfusa coërcet.

2. State and give examples of the rules of syntax illustrated by the expressions underlined.

3. Distinguish between sperans esse and sperans se futurum-crimen, facinus, scelus-concilium and consilium-fas and ius.

4. Decline throughout caelicolae, dies, duabus, heros, nemo, remigibus, salo, tramite.


The Board of Examiners.

Every result must be reduced to its simplest form. The whole of the working of a question must be sent in as part of the answer.

1. Simplify

(x + a) (x + b) (x + c) — (x − a) (x − b) (x−c).

2. Find the quotient and remainder obtained by dividing

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(x + y)1 = 2 (x2 + y2) (x + y)2 — (x2 — y2)2.

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(a+b) (a+c)(b+c) (b+a)*(c+a) (c+b)*

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6. Divide a into two parts so that the sum of their squares may be equal to b2.

7. Prove that every common multiple of two expressions is a multiple of their least common mul



The Board of Examiners.

The symbol must not be used; and the only abbreviation admitted for "the square described on the straight line AB" is "sq. on AB," and for "the rectangle contained by the straight lines AB, CD" is "rect. AB, ČD.”

1. To draw a straight line perpendicular to a given straight line from a given point without it.

2. ABC, PQR are two triangles having the angles B and Q equal, and also the angles C and R; the side AB is equal to the side PQ. Shew that the remaining parts of the triangles are respectively equal.

3. The equal triangles ABC, DEF are on equal bases BC, EF which are in the same straight line BCEF, and on the same side of it. Prove that AC is parallel to BF.

4. ACB is a straight line. Prove that the rectangle contained by AB, BC is equal to that contained by AC, CB together with the square on CB.

5. ACB is a straight line. Shew that the square on the sum of AB, BC is equal to the square on AC, together with four times the rectangle contained by AB,BC.

6. Describe a square which shall be equal to a given equilateral triangle.

7. ABC, CDE are two triangles having the angles B and D right angles, the hypotenuses AC, CE equal, and the sides CB, CD equal. Prove that the other sides are equal.

N.B.-This is a part of Euclid, Book III.,
Prop. 14.

8. ABC, DEF are similar segments of circles having the chords AC, DF equal. Prove that the segments are equal.

9. From a given point A on a circle ABC draw a chord AB which shall cut off a segment ABC containing an angle equal to the third part of two right angles.


The Board of Examiners.

NOTE.-Pay particular attention to the spelling and punctuation of what you write; the writing must be neat and legible. The Essay must be attempted.

1. Parse fully each word which is printed in italics in the following passage:

Man's feeble race what ills await!
Labour and Penury, the racks of pain,
Disease, and Sorrow's weeping train,

And Death, sad refuge from the storms of Fate !

The fond complaint, my song, disprove,

And justify the laws of Jove.

Say has he giv'n in vain the heav'nly Muse?

Night and all her sickly dews,

Her spectres wan, and birds of boding cry,

He gives to range the dreary sky

Till down the eastern cliffs afar

Hyperion's march they spy, and glitt'ring shafts of war.

2. Make a full analysis of the following passage :—

But Aristotle, by the greatness of the action, does not only mean that it should be great in

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