You are three men of sin, whom Destiny Which possession I cannot but note That in our time it lieth much waste. 2. Make a full analysis of each of the following passages: What holds good of causality holds good also of all the other relations of necessity. The best news is, that we have safely found This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine. 3. Write a short note on the philology of the following words: 4. Write out the stanza from the Progress of Poesy which commences with the words "Woods that wave." 5. Change each of the following sentences from the active into the passive form, and, if any change of structure is required other than or beyond making the object of the active verb serve as the subject of the passive one, explain the necessity. (a) I wonder at you. (b) The boatman tried to save him. (e) The clock struck seven. (f) I availed myself of his assistance. 6. Explain the following sentences and the allusions which they contain:— (a) And statutes glean the refuse of the sword. (6) Weekly libels and septennial ale. (c) Rebellious vengeful talons seize on Laud. (d) Till rude resistance lops the spreading god. Time unrevok'd has run (e) His wonted course, yet what I wish'd is done. (f) Used to read all his comedies to an old woman who was his house-keeper. (g) Those cates which the ravens ministered to the Tishbite. 7. (a) Name the principal prose writers of the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries, and the subjects to which their works refer. (b) What advantage does Addison consider that Homer and Virgil enjoyed beyond Milton in facilities for the display of imagination in the treatment of their subjects? (c) Whence are the following quotations taken?I saw the skirts of the departing year. Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest. 8. Explain the following passages, state the circumstances which introduce them, and name the characters by whom they are spoken: (c) (d) They are louder than the weather or our office. for without them He's but a sot, as I am. (e) Hang them on this line. (f) Canst thou bring me to the party? (g) What a pied ninny's this. 9. Write a note on the construction, language, and meaning of the following: (a) (b) Oh, my heart bleeds To think o' the teen that I have turned you to She that from whom We all were sea-swallowed, though some cast again. (c) For Lives; I do find strange that these times have so little esteemed the virtues of the times as that the writing of lives should be no more frequent. (d) We see likewise that some places instituted for physic have annexed the commodity of gardens for simples of all sorts, and do likewise command the use of dead bodies for anatomies. (e) The invention or election of the mean is more effectual than any inforcement or accumulation of endeavours. 10. (a) By what simile does Bacon illustrate the preservation of learning by means of books and universities? (b) What place in study does Bacon assign to logic and rhetoric? (c) What does Bacon mean by "a contemplative kind of heraldry"? 11. (a) Give a short account of the origin and making of the English language, saying whence and when its principal constituents were engrafted upon it. (b) What element prevails in the vocabulary of the English language as used by the best authors? (c) Whence is the grammar of the English language derived? 12. Write a short Essay upon-Competition. HISTORY. The Board of Examiners. 1. (a) Distinguish a Thane from an Eorl. (b) Distinguish a Fief from a Manor. What was 2. What was the Saxon Chronicle? Danegeld, and when was it discontinued? 3. Write a short account of the Mendicant Friars. 4. Trace the influence of the Crusades upon the history of Western Europe. 5. How and why did Henry the Fourth of England at his accession deduce his descent from Henry the Third ? 6. Explain the foreign policy of England during the reign of Henry the Eighth. 7. What was the Petition of Right? 8. What is meant by the Augustan age of English literature, and why was it so called? term appropriate? Is the 9. Give a summary of the provisions of the Reform Act 1832. 10. Shew that the reign of Croesus forms an era in Grecian history. 11. Give the date and shew the historical importance of the Anabasis of Xenophon. 12. What distribution of public duties was made among the Archons, and how were they respectively designated ? 13. Trace the steps by which Rome gradually became mistress of Italy. |