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weight, of potassium hydroxide are exactly sufficient to neutralize a given weight of a given acid, how can you ascertain, without experiment, the quantity of each of the following substances that would be required to produce the same effect:-(1) Barium hydroxide, (2) sodium carbonate, (3) a ten per cent. solution of ammonia?

8. How may aldehyd be prepared? Point out its relations to alcohol, acetic acid, and chloral.


The Board of Examiners.

1. Name and classify the Purgatives in common use, distinguishing them according to their mode of


2. How is Permanganate of Potassium prepared? Give its physical and chemical characters, actions, and uses.

3. Describe the physical and chemical properties of Boric Acid. Mention its sources, officinal forms, and uses.

4. What are the officinal parts of Aconitum Napellus, and by what characters are they identified? Give (1) the nature and dose of its active principle, (2) the officinal preparations and their doses, (3) the physiological actions and medicinal uses of the drug.

5. What are the different forms of Cannabis Indica? Give its botanical and geographical source, officinal preparations, doses, and actions.

6. Give the doses, and the proportion of the active ingredients, in the following preparations:Liquor Hydrargyri Perchloridi, Vinum Antimoniale, Pulvis Jalapa Compositus, Syrupus Chloral, Tinctura Opii Ammoniata, Pilula Phosphori, Liquor Arsenicalis, Mistura Scammonii, Mistura Creasoti, Trochischi Morphinæ et Ipecacuanhæ.

N.B.-All officinal names must be written in full.



The Board of Examiners.

[Candidates are expected to answer the first two questions, and either the 3rd or the 4th.]

1. Describe fully the actions of (a) Ergot, (b) Jaborandi. 2. Give in detail, with illustrative prescriptions, the uses of (a) Iron, (b) Belladonna, (c) Ipecacuanha. 3. Classify the more important Mineral Waters and illustrate their uses.

4. Illustrate the effects of the Galvanic Current.



The Board of Examiners.

[Candidates are expected to answer three questions in each subdivision.]

A.-1. How does the Liver influence digestion ?

2. What are the dietetic effects of Wines, Spirits, and Malt Liquors respectively?

3. Discuss the dietary of Acute febrile disease.

4. How would you peptonise gruel, milk, and beef tea?

B.-1. Discuss the relation between Exercise and Health.

2. How would you determine the insanitariness or otherwise of a given house?

3. How does soil affect the health in dwellers in cities?

4. Illustrate the unhealthy effects of impure air.



The Board of Examiners.

1. Describe the mode of growth, the general characters, the symptoms, and the treatment of the common sebaceous cyst of the scalp. Give also the differential diagnosis between a fungating sebaceous cyst and an epithelial cancer of the scalp.

2. Give briefly the characteristic signs and symptoms, and the clinical history, in each of the following surgical conditions:-acute inflammation; passive congestion; cellular cutaneous erysipelas.

3. Describe the signs, symptoms, and treatment of lateral curvature of the spine in recent cases.

4. Describe the signs and symptoms, the usual position of the fragments, and the appropriate treatment in each of the two following injuries:

(a) Separation of the upper epiphysis of the humerus.

(b) Fracture of the shaft of this bone just above the insertion of the deltoid.

5. Mention the different dislocations of the ankle joint, the position of the foot in each, and the fractures which usually accompany these injuries.

6. What are the characters, the symptoms, and the proper treatment of the simple (non-malignant) form of epulis?



The Board of Examiners.

1. What are the diseases which may produce cavities in the lungs ?

2. Give the treatment of Spasmodic Asthma during the paroxysm and during the intervals.

3. Describe the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Perityphlitis.

4. Contrast Mitral Regurgitation with Mitral Obstruction, as regards course, effect on other organs, and treatment.

5. What symptoms indicate an unfavourable prognosis in a case of Typhoid Fever towards the end of

the second week?

6. Describe the treatment of a case of uræmic Coma.


The Board of Examiners.

1. What are the signs of recent delivery in the living woman, and in the dead body?

2. How do you differentiate between perforation of

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