Ἦν ἄρα ὡς ἔοικε πάντων μέγιστον μαθημάτων τὸ γνῶναι αὐτόν· Clem. Alex. MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON 1917 21V 4979 COPYRIGHT First Edition October 1894 Reprinted December 1894, 1895, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1902, 1904, 1907 Shilling Edition 1913, 1917 137 JLLI/C PE EXTRACT FROM THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE LATE REV. JOHN BAMPTON, CANON OF SALISBURY. -" I give and bequeath my Lands and Estates "to the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the "University of Oxford for ever, to have and to "hold all and singular the said Lands or Estates 66 upon trust, and to the intents and purposes "hereinafter mentioned; that is to say, I will and "appoint that the Vice-Chancellor of the University "of Oxford for the time being shall take and "receive all the rents, issues, and profits thereof, "and (after all taxes, reparations, and necessary "deductions made) that he pay all the remainder "to the endowment of eight Divinity Lecture 66 Sermons, to be established for ever in the said "University, and to be performed in the manner "following: " I direct and appoint, that, upon the first Tuesday "in Easter Term, a Lecturer may be yearly chosen "by the Heads of Colleges only, and by no others, " in the room adjoining to the Printing-House, be"tween the hours of ten in the morning and two in "the afternoon, to preach eight Divinity Lecture "Sermons, the year following, at St. Mary's in בית הספרים יאמי והאוניברסיטאי |