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" The current that with gentle murmur glides, Thou know'st, being stopp'd, impatiently doth rage ; But when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamell'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage,... "
Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste - Page 143
de Archibald Alison - 1815 - 447 pages
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 494 pages
...Lest it should burn above the bounds of reason. Jul. The more thou dam'st* it up, the more it burns ; The current, that with gentle murmur glides, Thou...when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet musick with the enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 402 pages
...lest It should burn above the bounds of reason. Jul. The more thou dam'st it up, the more it burns; The current, that with gentle murmur glides, Thou...when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet musick with th' enamell'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage;...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, with the corrections and illustr ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 384 pages
...lest It should burn above the bounds of reason. Jul. The more thou dam'st it up, the more it burns; The current, that with gentle murmur glides, Thou...when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet musick with th' enamell'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 394 pages
...Lest it should burn above the bounds of reason. Jul. The more thou dam'st it up, the more it burns; The current, that with gentle murmur glides, Thou...when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet musick with the enamel'd stones. Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage...
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The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson ..., Volume 6

William Shakespeare - 1807 - 374 pages
...Lest it »hould burn above the bounds of reason. Jul. The more thou dam'st it up, the more it burns; The current, that with gentle murmur glides, Thou...when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet musick with the enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage...
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The London review, conducted by R. Cumberland, Volume 1

Richard Cumberland - 1809 - 504 pages
...Gentlemen of Verona : » "The current that with gentle murmur glides, Thou know'st, being stopped, impatiently doth rage ; But when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet music within' enamel'd sfones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge Heovertaketh in his pilgrimage: And so,...
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1810 - 444 pages
...Lest it should burn above the bounds of reason. Jul. The more thou dam'st it up, the more it burns ; The current, that with gentle murmur glides, Thou...course is not hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And so by many...
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The Edinburgh Annual Register, for 1808-26, Volume 1

1810 - 560 pages
...Profheus. These are the lines ; The current that with gentle murmur glides, Thou know'st, being stopped, impatiently doth rage ; But, when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamel'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge, He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And •o by...
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The Edinburgh annual register, Volume 1,Partie 2

1810 - 558 pages
...: The current that with geutle murmur glides, Thou know'st, being (topped, impatiently doth rage i But, when his fair course is not hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamel'A stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge. He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And so by many...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: Sketch of the life of Shakspeare. Tempest ...

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 454 pages should burn above the bounds of reason. IJul. The more thou dam'st* it up, the more it burns ; , The current, that with gentle murmur glides, ! Thou...course is not hindered, He makes sweet music with the enamel'd stonei, * Closest. Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage ; And...
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