C'EST POUR EUX SEULS QUE DIEU ACCORDE AUX PEUPLES L'ABONDANCE ET LA TRANQUILLITÉ.-Massillon. xiv LA HAINE ET L'INTÉRÉT SONT D'INJUSTES ARBITRES.-La Harpe. GROs, le gros d'une armée, the main part of the army, the body of the troops. HAMEÇON, mordre à l'—, be taken in. HECTARE, a little more than two IDIOMATICAL EXPRESSIONS, &c. à glace, rough-shod, well grounded, up to the mark. French acres, 10,000 square metres. HECTOGRAMME, 100 grammes. HECTOLITRE, about 100 quarts English, new liquid measure. HECTOMÈTRE, one hundred metres. HÉRISSÉ, bristled up, covered. FÊTE, se faire — de, to delight in, look❘ HORREUR, avoir horreur de, quake forward with pleasure. FEU, le - a pris au palais, the palace is on fire. Jeter feu et flammes, be in a terrible passion. Mettre tout à feu et à sang, destroy every thing with fire and sword. Prendre feu pour, fly into a passion for. FLAMBERGE, mettre -au vent, take sword in hand, sword in hand. FLÉTRIE, réputation —, stained repu tation, lost character, blown on. FORT, se faire - de, make sure of. FRAIS, faire les de, keep up, find matter or money for. FRANC, five grammes of silver, a franc. FRAUDE, faire la --, to smuggle. FRAYER, se -un chemin, cut one's way, speed on, get on, prosper. FRIMAIRE, third autumnal month. FRONT, de quel osez-vous? how can you have the face to? FROTTER, Se à, have something to do with, rub against. FRUCTIDOR, third summer month, revolutionary year, fruit month. GAGNE, la faim le gagne, he begins to be hungry, he is growing hungry. GARDE de, prendre take care not to. Prendre de tomber, take care not to fall. Prendre - à, take care of. GLOIRE, se faire de, to glory in. GRACE, faites moi la grâce, do me the favour. Faire une-, render a service. Avoir de la, be graceful. Faire grâce, to pardon, forgive. GRAMME, 24th part of a French ounce, weight of one centimetre. GRÉ, de bon gré, willingly. Contre son gré, against one's will. Aude, at the mercy of. A mon, to my liking. Savoir, be grateful for, feel obliged, think well of. with horror at, feel horror for. HUMANITÉS, avoir fait ses —, to have had a college education. JETER des cris, shriek, scream out. JEU, n'avoir pas beau jeu avec, not to be a match with, even with. JOLIMENT, badly, soundly, famously. JOUR, belle comme le -, very beautiful. Mettre dans son jour, exhibit clearly, give fair play to. KILOGRAMME, 1,000 grammes. KILOLITRE, about 1,000 quarts English, 1,000 litres, new liq. measure. LAISSER, se laisser tomber, to fall, suffer oneself to fall. Se laisser tromper, allow oneself to be deceived. Ne pas laisser de, to do nevertheless. Il ne laisse pas de vous aimer, he nevertheless loves you. LANGUE, c'est une mauvaise —, he is a mischief-maker, a slanderer. LIEU, tenir lieu de, fill the place of, be in room of. Il y a lieu de croire, one has a right to suppose. LIEUX, être sur les —, be on the spot. Ni feu ni lieu, neither fire nor dwelling. Avoir lieu, take place. Donner lieu de, give room for. LITRE, about a quart English. Décimètre cube. MAL, avoir mal à la tête, have the headache. Avoir mal aux pieds, have sore feet. Avoir au ventre, have the stomach-ache. Avoir au côté, have a pain in one's side. Avoir mal au nez, have a sore nose. MARCHÉ, par dessus le —, into the bargain, to boot, moreover. MÊME, mettre à même de, enable to, L'AMITIÉ S'ENRICHIT DES PERTES DE L'AMOUR.—Marquise de Lambert, LE CONSENTEMENT GÉNÉRAL DES NATIONS DOIT ÊTRE PRIS POUR LA VOIX DE LA NATURE.-Cicéron. LES CHOSES QUE LE MAL A COMMENCÉES, SE CONSOLIDENT MAL.-Shakspeare. LAISSER UN ENFANT TOUT SEUL, C'EST LE PERDRE.-Jules Janin. IDIOMATICAL EXPRESSIONS, &c. put in the way of. Etre à même de, have in one's power to, be able to. MENUS-PLAISIRS, pin-money, privypurse. Le menu, the bill of fare. MERVEILLES, promettre monts et -, make great promises. MESSIDOR, first summer month, revolutionary year, harvest month. MESURE, ne point garder de, keep no bounds, use violently, pay no regard. A fur et à —, gradually on. METTRE, se mettre en devoir de, set about, fall to. Mettre pied à terre, to land, light, alight. MILLIGRAMME, 1,000th part of a gramme, new French weights. MILLIMÈTRE, 1,000th part of a metre. MOINS, il n'est rien moins que, he is any thing but. MORT, mourir de sa belle, die a na tural death, die in a fair way. MORTELLES, vingt -lieues, 20 killing long miles, awfully long. MOT, bon, witty saying, a joke. MYRIAMÈTRE, ten thousand metres. NAGER dans l'abondance, revel in plenty. Être en nage, be very hot. NÉ, mort-né, still-born. Aveugle-né, born blind. Bien - well-bred. NERVEUX, sinewy, strong. NIVEAU, de, upon a level, equal. NIVOSE, first winter month, revolutionary year, snow month. NÔTRES, soyez des, make one of us, be of our party, be on our side. NOUVELLES, savoir des nouvelles de, have heard of. Recevoir des hear from. Donner des know, inform of, tell one of. NOYAU, faire, gather round, form a nucleus, make up a club. de, de, let XV PAIR, traiter de- à compagnon, treat de, do without, dispense with. PAVÉ, battre le —, run about. PAYER, d'audace, to brave danger, dare any thing. Payer d'effronterie, stand out barefacedly. PEINE, avoir à, find hard to, be scarcely able to. Valoir la peine que, be worth while to. PENSER, j'ai pensé tomber, I had like to fall, I was very near falling. PERDRE, Se, be completely at a loss, quite at sea. de vue, lose sight of. Perdu de réputation, whose reputation is lost. Perdre fond, drive Perdre terre, get with the anchors. out of one's depth. PEUT, cela se, that may be. Cela nese- pas, it cannot be. PIED, ne savoir sur quel danser, to Ne re be without any resources. mettez plus les pieds chez moi, never set your foot in this house again. Sur quel y êtes-vous? upon what footing are you there? PIEDS, les pieds lui brûlent, he is very anxious, he longs to begin. PIS, au pis aller, let the worst come to the worst, happen what may ! PLEUVOIR, to come showering down. PLOMB, à —, steady. De l'à -, firmness, assurance, brass. PLUVIOSE, second winter month, revolutionary year, rain month. PORTER bonheur à, bear good luck to. Porter préjudice à, to prejudice against, set against. à, be under an❘ POSSÉDER, se—, control oneself, keep Ô MORT, QUE VOUS ÊTES CRUELLE pour les IMPIES!-L'abbé Poulle. LE TRIOMPHE DE SOI EST LA CONSOMMATION DE TOUTE PHILOSOPHIE.—Diogène. LA NOBLESSE ET L'OISIVETÉ CORROMPENT LES PLUS BEAUX NATURELS.-Fénélon. LES HOMMES NE SONT QUE CE QU'IL PLAÎT AUX FEMMES.-La Fontaine. SUIVI, well kept up, well managed, xvi QUATRE, comme quatre, as much as four would do. QUESTION, il est question de, it matters to, it behoves us to, the matter in hand is to. Question, thesis, topic. QUI, c'est à qui fera, each tries his best in doing, etc. QUITTE, être - de, be rid of, get clear of. En être quitte pour, be let off with. Tenir quitte de, let one off for. | RABATTRE le caquet, to silence, make raison à, give an account of. RAPPORT, avoir à, refer to, relate to. RECHERCHÉ, over-nice, very neat, not natural, far-fetched. RECULER pour mieux sauter, hang back in hopes of better luck. run after, much attended. SUJET, donner à, give occasion to. SURCROÎT, pour surcroît de, in addition to, as a finish. hold by, cling to, be anxious to, be bound to. - de, go by, have heard. TÊTE, à sa —, according to one's fancy, as one lists. Coup de sa tête, one of his pranks. Avoir de la —, be resolute. Perdre la - be bewil dered. Tenir tête à, to oppose, keep up with. Ne savoir où donner de la, not to know what to be about next, to be without resources. TIRER, se tirer d'affaire, get through a bad business, extricate oneself from. Tirer en longueur, be a long time about. -au sort, draw lots. REDRESSER, put up right again, set TITRE, à juste —, deservedly, justly. any one right, give it to one. TORT, avoir grand tort de, be very much in the wrong to. TOUT, n'avoir pour bien que, one's whole fortune merely to consist in. TRANCHER de, set oneself up for, wish to pass for, play the, act as. TRÈVE de, a truce to, give over, let us have no more of, set aside. TROP, être de, not to be wanted, be in the way, be intruding. TROUVER, se trouver à Londres, happen to be in London. Se trouver mal, to faint. Trouver mauvais que, take it ill that. Trouver à redire à, find fault with. Comment trouvez-vous? how do you like? how do you fin? USER, en user avec, behave to. En user mal avec, treat ill, unfairly. do. Je ne saurais qu'y faire, I cannot help it. I have no hand in it. VA, il y va de la vie, life is at stake in SEC, ouvrage, tiresome, unenter taining. Le vert et le sec, all means STÈRE, a cubic metre. [of success. SOULIER, ne pas savoir où le - -blesse, not to know where the shoe pinches, but by wearing it. it. Cela vous va, that becomes you, you seem to like that. VALOIR, faire, put to the best advantage, turn to the best account. VAUT, autant faire ceci que cela, one may as well do this as that. QUE SERT UN LONG RÈGNE À MOINS QU'IL NE SOIT BEAU?-Boursault. ON NE CHANGE JAMAIS LA CONSTITUTION D'UN ÉTAT SANS TROUBLE.-Erasme. LA PERFECTION D'UN ÊTRE EST DANS L'ACCORD DE SES PARTIES CONSTITUANTES.-Leibnitz. QUE SERT UN BEAU CHOIX DANS UNE ÂME INCONSTANTE!-Corneille. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL THE FRENCH VERBS CALLED IRREGULAR, INCLUDING THE Look in this List for Verbs that you cannot find in your dictionary by any other means. See a COLLECTION further on, where the use of the small numerical figures is explained. All the ROOTS immediately following another root that is printed in capital letters, as ABATT, belong to the same verb; example: abstien, abstienn, abst, belong to the verb ABSTENIR. The English signification of each verb will be found in Italics, just under the root or roots of that verb: to abstain, for example, comes just after ABSTEN, abstien, abstienn, abst. A6-55 v. AVOIR to abstract, extract ADJOIND-RE1 ABATT-RE ant2 u3 ACQUÉR-IR ant2 apparai-s4.5.34 t6 APPARAÎTO-RE! adjoign-ant2 ons7.36 apparaiss-ant2ons736 adjoin-s4.5. 5.34 13.6 to add to, annex ADMETT-RE1 ant2 adme-ts4.5.34 16 adm-is3.16.17 it18 to admit, allow AI-4e34 v. AVOIR. ALL-ER1 ant2 é3 aill-e35.39.41 es40 APPARTEN-irl ant2 appartien-s4.5 tổ appartienn-es40 appart-ins16.17 int18 to belong to to go, be about, set APPAR-U APERCEV-OIR ant2 APPERT6+ aperç-u3 us16.17 ut18 APPRENDO-RE1 to perceive, see appren-ant2 ons6.37 tv. APPAROIR, to be evident [in law]. CROIRE, ESPÉRER, AIMER, VOILÀ TOUTE LA RELIGION.-F. de la Mennais. JAMAIS UN LOURDAUD, QUOI QU'IL FASSE, NE SAURAIT PASSER POUR GALANT.-La Fontaine. TRAVAILLEZ À MAINTENIR LA CONSTITUTION PRÉSENTE SANS SOUPIRER APRÈS LE CHANGEMENT.-Socrate. xviii LA COQUETTERIE EST L'AMBITION DES FEMMES.-De Bugny. apprenn-es40 41 appr-is3.16.17 it18 assey-ant2 ons7.36 assié-rai22 ras23 to sit, settle, lay to subject to,restrict CIRCONVEN-IR1 ATTEIND-REL circonvien-s4.5 t6 atteign-ant2 ons7.36 circonvienn-e39.41 AVEIND-RE rai22 circonv-ins16.17 to circumvent to lay hold of, reach clo-rai22 ras 23 AVEN-IR ant2 u3 BRUI-RE 16 bû-mes 19 tes20 147* to close, shut to preserve CONNAÎT6-RE1 connaiss-e39 ons7.36 conn-us3.16.17 u3 complais4.5.34-ant2 to constrain compl-u3 us16.17 to please, content COMPRENDO-RE1 CONTREDI-RE1 16 CONVAINC6-REL $4.5 to convince CONVEN-IR ant2 to run, circulate to cover, conceal craign-ant2 ons7.36 to boil for trial compren-ant2ons7.36 CONTREFAI-RE1t3.6 DÉCH-OIR1 u3 QUI A VÉCU HEUREUX A VÉCU LONG-TEMPS.-Kotzebue. LA SUCCESSION CONTINUELLE DES DROITS ET DES DEVOIRS COMPOSE LE SYSTÈME SOCIAL.-Mme. Necker. |