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1705. To Mason, Feb. 12.-Burke's parody of Burgoyne's talk with the Indians

1706. To the same, Feb. 18. - Arrival of Voltaire at Paris-Treaty signed

between the Americans and France-The ignominious 17th of February

1707. To Mann, Feb. 18.-Lord North's conciliatory plan-Peace solicited with

America-Suspension of hostilities-Treaty between France and America

-Total concession of everything by England to America-Retrospection

of the last eight-and-thirty years

1708. To Mason, March 4.-Sending a riddle-Mrs. Hartley's pregnancy-Le
Texier and the Opera-House-Lines from Voltaire's 'Indiscret'

1709. To Mann, March 5. - Death of Lady Lucy Mann-Lord North's conciliatory

plan-National humiliation-Reflections-State of the Duke of Glou-

cester's health-Death of Sir Thomas Hesketh-Lord Cowper's princi-

pality-Affectation of wearing orders of different countries. (March 10.)

-Captain Digby despatched in pursuit of a French squadron-Popular

dissatisfaction-Dr. Franklin's boast-Lord Temple

1710. To Mason, March 16. - Influence of Lord Chatham's crutch-Mason's

alteration of Walpole's tragedy, 'The Mysterious Mother'-Sir John

Dalrymple and Mrs. Macaulay-Franklin at Versailles

1711. To Mann, March 17.- Insult from France-Lord Stormont recalled from

Paris-Europe about to be a theatre of blood-Political reflections

1712. To Mason, March 26. - The oracle at Hayes-Fears of an invasion from


1713. To Mann, March 27. - Embargo on our vessels in French ports-Rumours

of wars beget other reports-England occupied in defending itself-New-

raised regiments-Independence of America Cruelty of Royal ambition

-Lord Orford's recovered sanity

1714. To Cole, March 31.-Politics-Life of Mr. Baker'-Dr. Kippis

1715. To Mason, April 8.-Lord Chatham's last illness-Nothing definitive on

war or peace-Lord Orford's illness-Pennant's 'Welsh Tour'-Warton's

second volume-Conversation with Dr. Robertson - The Old Baron,'

a Gothic story

1716. To Mann, April 9.-Lord Chatham's last appearance in the House of Lords

-Affecting scene-Incertitude of our general situation-Demand by the

King of a provision for his younger children, and for the children of the

Duke of Gloucester-Lord Orford's absurdity

1717. To the Earl of Harcourt, April 16. - His claim to be Harcourt-

Pursuivant. N.


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