| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 516 pages
...never perfeclly recovered. This This calamitous ftate made the compaflion of his friends necefiary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abney, who received him into his houfe j where, with a conftancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 250 pages
...attention of Sir Thomas masAbney, who received him into his houfe ; where, with a conftancy of friendfhip and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was treated for thirty-fix years with all the kindnefs that friendfhip could prompt, and .all the attention that refpecT:... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 516 pages
...attention of Sir Thomas Abney, who received him into his houfe; where, with a conftancy of friendfhip and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was treated for thirty-fix years with all the kindnefs that friendfhip could prompt, and all the attention that refpect... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 516 pages
...attention of Sir Thomas Abney, who re-* ceived him into his houfe; where, with a conftancy of friendfhip and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was treated for thirty-fix years with all the kindnefs that friendfhip could prompt, and all the attention that refpect... | |
| SAMUEL JOHNSON - 1781 - 254 pages
...attention of Sir Thamas Abney, who received him into his houfe ; where, with a cpnftancy of friendfhip and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was treated for thirty-fix years with all the kindncfs that friendfhip could prompt, and all the attention that refpecl... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 650 pages
...him, he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous ftate made the companion of his friends neceflary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abney, who received him into his houfe; where, with a conftancy of friendfhip and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 650 pages
...him, he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous ftate made the companion of his friends neceffary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abney, who received him into hishoufe; wRere, with a conftancy of friendfhip and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1797 - 278 pages
...that from the feeblenefs which-it brought upon him he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous flate drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abney, who received him into his houfe, where he was treated for thirty-fix years with all the kimlnefs that friend/hip could prompt,... | |
| James Boswell - 1799 - 640 pages
...Diary, i. 58. Johnson (Works, viii. 381) tells how, in the house of Sir Thomas Abney, • Dr. Watts, with a constancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, was treated for thirty-six years with all the kipdness that friendship could prompt, and all the attention... | |
| James Boswell - 1799 - 648 pages
...Diary, i. 58. Johnson (Works, viii. 381) tells how, in the house of Sir Thomas Abney, ' Dr. Watts, with a constancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, was treated for thirty-six years with all the kindness that friendship could prompt, and all the attention... | |
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