The British Poets: Including Translations ...

C. Whittingham, 1822

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Page 147 - From six i' th' hundred to six hundred more ? Indulge, and to thy genius freely give ; For, not to live at ease, is not to live. Death stalks behind thee, and each flying hour Does some loose remnant of thy life devour. Live, while thou liv'st; for death will make us all A name, a nothing but an old wife's tale. Speak : wilt thou Avarice or Pleasure choose To be thy lord? Take one, and one refuse.
Page 288 - Happy the man, and he alone, Who master of himself can say. To-day at least hath been my own, For I have clearly liv'd to-day : Then let to-morrow's clouds arise, Or purer suns o'erspread the cheerful skies.
Page 8 - Form'd in the forge, the pliant brass is laid ) On anvils; and of head and limbs are made, > Pans, cans, and piss-pots, a whole kitchen-trade.
Page 110 - em, and betwixt his grinders caught. Unlike in method, with conceal'd design, Did crafty Horace his low numbers join : And, with a sly insinuating grace, Laugh'd at his friend, and look'd him in the face: Would raise a blush, where secret vice he found ; And tickle, while he gently prob'd the wound.
Page 240 - Day presses on the heels of day, And moons increase to their decay ; But you, with thoughtless pride elate, Unconscious of impending fate, Command the pillar'd dome to rise, When lo ! thy tomb forgotten lies.
Page 15 - The tomb, and found the strait dimensions wide : " Death only this mysterious truth unfolds, The mighty soul how small a body holds.
Page 60 - No vicious dispositions of the mind more obstinately resist both the counsels of philosophy and the injunctions of religion, than those which are complicated with an opinion of dignity ; and which we cannot dismiss without leaving in the hands of opposition some...
Page 144 - Dama, once a groom of low degree, Not worth a farthing, and a sot beside...
Page 230 - The man within the golden mean Who can his boldest wish contain, Securely views the ruin'd cell, Where sordid want and sorrow dwell; And in himself serenely great, Declines an envied room of state.
Page 114 - When wilt thou, mighty Jove, My wealthy uncle from this world remove...

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