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" Corona." ^Eschines was his rival in business, and personal enemy; and one of the most distinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orations, ^Eschines is feeble in comparison of Demosthenes, and makes much less impression on the mind. His... "
The General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical ... - Page 201
publié par - 1812
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Elegant Extracts; Or, The Literary Nosegay: Consisting of Selections in Prose

1814 - 390 pages
...His reasonings eoneerning the law that was in question, are indeed very suhtile; hut his inveetive against Demosthenes is general and ill supported. Whereas, Demosthenes is a torrent, that nothing ean resist. He heass down his antagonist with violenee; he draws his eharaeter in the strongest eolors;...
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Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres

Hugh Blair - 1815 - 580 pages
...and one of the most distinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orations^ JEschines is feeble in comparison of Demosthenes, and makes...that was in question, are indeed very subtile ; but bis invective against Demosthenes is general and ill supported. Whereas, Demosthenes is a torrent,...
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Elegant extracts, Volume 55

Elegant extracts - 1816 - 1082 pages
..."age. But when « read the two orations, ./Eschines is feeble in comparison of Demosthenes, and nukes much less impression on the mind. His reasonings concerning...general, and ill -supported. Whereas, Demosthenes is n torrent, that nothing can resist. He bears down his antagonist with violence; he draws his character...
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Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres

Hugh Blair - 1817 - 522 pages
...and one of the most oastinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orat.ons, «schinee is feeble in comparison of Demosthenes, and makes...the mind. His reasonings concerning the law that was m question, are indeed very subtile : but his invective aga,nst Demosthenes is general and ill supported....
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Elegant Extracts: Or Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose

Vicesimus Knox - 1824 - 794 pages
...and one of the most distinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orations, .¿Eschines is feeble in comparison of Demosthenes, and makes...particular merit of that oration is, that all the description» in it are highly picturesque. There runs through it a strain of magnanimity and high...
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Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres

Hugh Blair - 1856 - 656 pages
...and one of the most distinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orations, .iEschines is feeble in comparison of Demosthenes, and makes...violence; he draws his character in the strongest colours; ami the particular merit of that oration is, that all the descriptions in it are highly picturesque....
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Beeton's Complete Orator, Including the Art of Public Speaking and British ...

Samuel Orchart Beeton - 1881 - 336 pages
...distinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orations, yEschines is feeble in comparison with Demosthenes, and makes much less impression on the...concerning the law that was in question are indeed very subtle ; but his invective against Demosthenes is general and ill supported. Whereas Demosthenes is...
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The Handbook of Oratory: A Cyclopedia of Authorities on Oratory as an Art ...

William Vincent Byars - 1901 - 614 pages
...and one of the most distinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orations, ^Eschines is feeble in comparison of Demosthenes, and makes...violence; he draws his character in the strongest colors; and the particular merit of that oration is, that all the descriptions in it are highly picturesque....
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The Cyclopedia of Oratory: A Handbook of Authorities on Oratory as an Art ...

W. V. Byars - 1901 - 616 pages
...and one of the most distinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orations, ^Eschines is feeble in comparison of Demosthenes, and makes...violence; he draws his character in the strongest colors; and the particular merit of that oration is, that all the descriptions in it are highly picturesque....
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A Handbook of Literary Criticism: An Analysis of Literary Forms in Prose and ...

William Henry Sheran - 1905 - 604 pages
...distinguished orators of that age. But when we read the two orations, Aeschines is feeble in comparison with Demosthenes, and makes much less impression on the...concerning the law that was in question, are indeed very subtle ; but his invective against Demosthenes is general and ill-supported. Whereas, Demosthenes is...
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