| John Anderson, Jr. (Firm) - 1902 - 604 pages
...(trie. LONDON, Printed by RICHARD FIELD. for Edward TSlount. 2719 ALEYN (CHARLES). The | HISTORIE | OF THAT WISE | AND FORTUNATE | Prince, HENRIE of that...the Seventh, King | of England. \ With that famed Battaile, fought | betweene the Sayd King Henry and | Richard the third named Crook- \ backe, upon... | |
| Thomas Osborne - 1743 - 514 pages
...Government of of ufurping Richard the Third, and his miferable End 1 64 f ^775 Aleyn's Hiftorie of that wife and fortunate Prince, Henrie, of that Name, the Seventh, King .of England, with that famed Battaile fought between the fa) d King Henry and Richard the Third, named Crookbacke, upon Redmoore,... | |
| Sir Egerton Brydges - 1809 - 912 pages
...Printed by Tho. Harper, fafc. 1633.* This is the ad edition — the first was published in 1631. ART. IX. The Historic of that wise and fortunate Prince Henrie...name the Seventh, King of England. With that famed lattaile fought between the said King and' Richard III. named Crook-lack, upon Redmore, near Bosworth.... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1812 - 512 pages
...in honour of king Henry VII. and that important battle which gained him the crown of Eng-» land : it was published in 1638, under the title of " The...Henry and Richard III, named Crook-back, upon Redmore wear Bosworth." There I ilalUr Bib), Sled.— Gen. Diet.— Moneri. I / are several poetical eulogiums... | |
| Acton Frederick Griffiths - 1815 - 628 pages
...London, printed by MF for Richard Tomlins at the Sun and Bible neere Pie-comer, 1649 (pp. 142). — 6. The Historic of that Wise and Fortunate Prince, Henrie...Name the Seventh, King of England. With that famed Battaile, fought betweene the sayd King Henry and Richard the third named Crook-backe, upon Redmoore... | |
| Longman (Firm), Thomas Park - 1815 - 481 pages
...copper-plates, and illustrated by appropriate designs, engraved by Nicholls. 10. ALEYN (Charles). — The Historic of that Wise and Fortunate Prince, Henrie...Name the Seventh, King of England. With that famed Battaile, fought betweene the sayd King Henry and Richard the third, named Crook>-backe, upon Redmore,... | |
| Tobias Smollett - 1817 - 680 pages
...Tragedy 299 Bentham's, Jeremy, Plan of a Parliamentary Reform 551 Bibliotheca Antiqua — Charles Aleyn's Historic of that wise and Fortunate Prince Henrie, of that name the Seventh •• 305 Fairfax's Godfrey of Bulloigne 193 The Anatomie of Abuses, by Philip Stubbs 413 The First... | |
| John Milton - 1819 - 464 pages
...Knight, Principall Secretary of State, Whitehall " 17. of November, 1634." Whereas Aleyn's metrical Historic of that wise and fortunate Prince, Henrie of that name the seventh; (8»0. 1638.) the MS of which work, in compliance with this decree of the Star-Chamber, was laid before... | |
| William Thomas Lowndes - 1834 - 1082 pages
...Seventh) 11. 5s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. No. 555. The former edition appeared in 1631. — The Historie of Henrie, of that name the Seventh King of England. With that famed Battaile upon Redmore, near Bosworth. London, 1638. 8vo. Contains pp. 160. (A, 2 leaves, В — K,... | |
| Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain) - 1843 - 456 pages
...the Black ;" and of another poem published also at London in 8vo. in 1638, entitled " The Historie of that wise and fortunate Prince Henrie, of that...name the Seventh, King of England ; with that famed Battaile fought between the said King Henry and Richard III., named Crook-back, upon Redmore, near... | |
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