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" Being not well turned for a court, though otherwise of considerable learning, and gentile [well-bred] education, he either could not, or would not, stoop to the humour of the times, and now and then, by an unseasonable stiffness, gave occasion to his... "
The General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical ... - Page 24
publié par - 1812
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Memoirs of the Most Material Transactions in England: For the Last Hundred ...

James Welwood - 1702 - 454 pages
...otherwife of confiderable Learning, and Gentile Education, he either could not, or would not ftoop to the Humour of the Times : and now and then by an unleafonable Stiffnefs, gave occafion to his Ene- , mies to reprefent him as not well inclin d to the...
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A Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, on the Most ..., Volume 3

1751 - 462 pages
...And now and then by an unfeafonabk feafonable Stiftnefs, gave Occafíon to his Enemies to reprefent him as not well inclined to the Prerogative, or too much addicted to a Popular Infereß, and therefore not fit to be employed in Matters of Government. On the other Hand, as Bifhop...
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A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and ...

1761 - 548 pages
...otherwife of confiderable learning and genteel " education, he either could not, or would not ftoop to the *' humour of the times ; and now and then by an unfeafon" able ftiffhefs, gave occafion to his enemies to reprefent " him as not well inclined to the...
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A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an ... Account of the ...

1793 - 412 pages
...tirites ; and now and then, by an unfeafönable ftifFnefs, gaveoccafion to his enemies to reprefent him as not well inclined to the prerogative, or too much addicted to a popular intereft; and therefore not fit to be employed in matters of government. As to the archUfhop's learning...
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A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and ...

1798 - 666 pages
...the times ; and now and then, by an unfeafonable ftifthefs, gave occafion to his menúes to reprefent him as not well inclined to the prerogative, or too much addicted to a popular intereft ; and therefore not fit to be em-, ployed in matters of government." Poflerity m .y eílimate...
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The Christian guardian (and Church of England magazine).

...or the prerogative of the crown, any farther than conduced to the good of the state. Being not well turned for a court, though otherwise of considerable...addicted to a popular interest ; and therefore not fit to be employed in matters of government.' We cannot equally appreciate the observation of Fuller in...
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The New Universal Biographical Dictionary, and American ..., Volume 1

James Hardie - 1805 - 536 pages
...not suiting the humor of some writers, have drawn upon him many severe reflections. Being not well turned for a court, though otherwise of, he either could not, or would not, stoop to the humor of the times ; and now and then, by an unseasonable stiffness, gave occasion to his enemies to...
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Evangelical Biography: Being a Complete and Fruitful Account of the Lives ...

Erasmus Middleton - 1807 - 724 pages
...or the prerogative of the crown, any farther than conduced to the good of the state. Being not well turned for a court, though otherwise of considerable...addicted to a popular interest; and therefore not fit to be employed in matters of government. His charity and public spirit ought certainly to have been...
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Biographia evangelica; or, An historical account of ... the most ..., Volume 3

Erasmus Middleton - 1810 - 554 pages
...otherwife of confiderable learning, and genteel education, he either could not, or would not, ftoop to the humour of the times ; and now and then, by an unfeafonable ftiffhefs, gave occafion to his enemies to reprefent him, as not well inclined to the...
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The General Biographical Dictionary:: Containing an Historical and Critical ...

Alexander Chalmers - 1812 - 512 pages
...or the prerogative of the crown, any farther than conduced to the good of the state. Being not well turned for a court, though otherwise of considerable...the humour of the times ; and now and then, by an un» seasonable stiffness, gave occasion to his enemies to represent him as not well inclined to the...
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