Roman Antiquities: Or, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans ... Designed Chiefly to Illustrate the Latin Classics, by Explaining Words and Phrases, from the Rites and Customs to which They ReferMercein, 1819 - 565 pages |
Table des matières
38 | |
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56 | |
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78 | |
104 | |
114 | |
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132 | |
136 | |
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317 | |
323 | |
337 | |
432 | |
439 | |
449 | |
468 | |
479 | |
493 | |
504 | |
520 | |
531 | |
538 | |
544 | |
551 | |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Roman Antiquities: Or, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans ... Alexander Adam Affichage du livre entier - 1819 |
Roman Antiquities: Or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans ... Alexander Adam Affichage du livre entier - 1842 |
Roman Antiquities: Or, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans ... Alexander Adam Affichage du livre entier - 1819 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
according ædiles afterwards ancient Annal Appian appointed army Ascon augurs Augustus Cæcin Cæs censors Cicero Cluent Comitia Tributa command consuls created curule decemviri decree dictator Dionys edicts elected emperors Epist Epit Equites Festus Gell hence called Hist honour Horat ibid judge judices Julius Cæsar Jupiter jure Juvenal Leges Legg lictors liii Lucan Macrob magistrates MAGISTRATUS Martial Orat Ovid patricians person Phil Plaut plebeians Plin Plutarch Polyb Pontifex præfect prætor priests proconsul provinces punishment quæ quæstors Quinctil quod republic Roman citizens Rome Romulus Rosc sacred rites Sallust senate Senec Sext slaves soldiers sometimes Suet Sylla Tacit temple thing trial tribes tribunes Twelve Tables usually Valer Varr Varro Verr viii Virg vote whence xliii xxvi xxxix xxxvii
Fréquemment cités
Page ii - an Act, supplementary to an act) entitled an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned...
Page 227 - But if it be of a house, the feoffor must take the ring or latch of the door, the house being quite empty, and deliver it to the feoffee in the same form ; and then the feoffee must enter alone, and shut to the door, and then open it, and let in the others.
Page 82 - TMUNICIPIA were foreign towns which obtained the right of Roman citizens. Of these there were different kinds. Some possessed all the rights of Roman citizens, except such as could not be enjoyed without residing at Rome. Others enjoyed the right of serving in the Roman legion, (MUNERA militaria CAPERE poterant,) but had not the right of voting and of obtaining civil offices.
Page 450 - THE Romans paid the greatest attention to funeral-rites, because they believed that the souls of the unburied were not admitted into the abodes of the dead ; or at least wandered a hundred years along the river Styx, before they were allowed to cross it ; for which reason, if the bodies of their friends could not be found, they erected to them an empty tomb, (TUMULUS INAKIS, xsvoroipiov, Cenotaphium,) at which they performed the usual solemnities, Virg.
Page 311 - Calig. 32.) the animal was led by a slack rope, that it might not seem to be brought by force, which was reckoned a bad omen. For the same reason it was allowed to stand loose before the altar ;• and it was a very bad omen if it fled away.
Page 399 - The tunica or tunic, was a white woollen vest, which came down a little below the knees before, and to the middle of the leg behind, and was fastened about the waist by a girdle, which also served as a purse.
Page 281 - Juvenal, iii. 266.) who conducted the souls of the dead in a boat over the rivers Styx and Acheron...
Page 90 - The sixth class comprehended all those who either had no estates, or were not worth so much as those of the fifth class. The number of them was so great as to exceed that of any of the othei classes ; yet they were reckoned as but one century.
Page 440 - If he died intestate, and without children, she inherited his whole fortune as a daughter. If he left children, she had an equal share with them.
Page 263 - Plin. ix. 23. s. 39. Dio. liv. 23. A person guilty of parricide, that is, of murdering a parent or any near relation, after being severely scourged...