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The tale then proceeds, after a lapse of years, of which no account is given, to the convent in which the Giaour has sought a refuge, but where he joins in none of the holy offices :'

His floating robe around him folding,

Slow sweeps he through the columned aisle;
With dread beheld, with gloom beholding
The rites that sanctify the pile... A
But when the anthem shakes the choir,
And kneel the monks, his steps retire;
By yonder lone and wavering torch
His aspect glares within the porch;)
There will he pause till all is done—
And hear the prayer, but utter none.
See by the half-illumined wall

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All that is known beside of the heart-stricken man is gathered from his broken confession, made before death released him from his woes: Father! thy days have passed in peace)

'Mid counted beads, and countless prayer;
To bid the sins of others cease,

Thyself without a crime or care,
Save transient ills that all must bear,
Has been thy lot from youth to age;
And thou wilt bless thee from the rage
Of passions fierce and uncontrolled,
Such as thy penitents unfold,

Whose secret sins and sorrows rest
Within thy pure and pitying breast.

My days, though few, have passed below.

In much of joy, but more of woe;

Yet still in hours of love or strife

I've 'scaped the weariness of life:

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Now leagued with friends, now girt by foes,

I loathed the languor of repose..

Now nothing left to love or hate,
No more with hope or pride elate, .
I'd rather be the thing that crawls
Most noxious o'er a dungeon's walls,
Than pass my dull unvarying days,
Condemned to meditate and gaze.'

I loved her, friar! nay, adored

But these are words that all can use-
I proved it more in deed than word; .!
There's blood upon that dinted sword,

A stain its steel can never lose :,
'Twas shed for her who died for me,

It warmed the heart of one abhorred :
Nay, start not-no-nor bend thy knee,

Nor midst my sins such act record; :/.
Thou wilt absolve me from the deed,
For he was hostile to thy creed!
The very name of Nazarene

Was wormwood to his Paynim spleen.

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