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Lord Byron.


When to their airy hall my father's voice
Shall call my spirit, joyful in their choice;
When, poised upon the gale, my form shall ride,
Or, dark in mist, descend the mountain's side;
Oh ! may my shade behold no sculptured urns
To mark the spot where earth to earth returns ;
No lengthened scroll, no praise-encumbered stone;
My epitaph shall be-my name alone:

If that with honour fail to crown my clay,
Oh! may no other fame my deeds repay :
That, only that, shall single out the spot;
By that remembered, or with that forgot.







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Family descent. Newstead Abbey granted to Sir John Byron. The building

described. Inscription to the memory of Boatswain, a Newfoundland dog,

buried at Newstead. Clarendon's character of Sir Nicholas Byron. Some

account of Sir John Byron. His spirited conduct as Governor of the Tower

Distinguishes himself, with three of his brothers, in the battle of Edge Hill,

for which he is created a baron. Commands the Irish forces during the civil

wars. After numerous successes, he is defeated by Sir Thomas Fairfax.-

Escapes to Holland with the Duke of York. Dies at Paris. His descendants.

Elegy on Newstead Abbey. William Lord Byron tried by his Peers for killing

Mr. Chaworth in a duel. The Honorable John Byron sails as a midshipman

in the Wager, with Commodore, afterwards Lord, Anson. The Wager parts

company with the squadron, and is wrecked on the coast of Patagonia. Suf-

ferings of Mr. Byron, Captain Cheap, and the crew. After a captivity of more

than five years, Mr. Byron returns to England. Arrives in London pennyless,

and finds his sister married to the Earl of Carlisle. Literary character of the

Countess. Satire on the present Earl of Carlisle. The Honorable John Byron

appointed commodore, and sails for North America. Circumnavigates the

globe. Promoted to the rank of admiral. Nicknamed Foul-weather Jack.'

Superstition of the sailors in consequence.
Domestic troubles. Captain

Byron, the Admiral's eldest son, a reprobate libertine. His amours with Lady

Carmarthen. Her Ladyship divorced in consequence. Married to Captain

Byron, and dies of a broken heart. Captain Byron marries Miss Gordon.

Dissipates her property, and abandons her, soon after the birth of George

Gordon Byron, the subject of these memoirs. Dies at Valenciennes.

Birth of Lord Byron. Early infirmity of his constitution. His childhood spent
among the romantic scenery of Aberdeen. Inspiration derived therefrom,
illustrated by Beattie. Account of his early days, by a Schoolfellow. Sent to
the grammar school of Aberdeen. His extreme sensibility. The Brig o' Bal-
gownie prophecy. His contempt of titles when at school. Death of his
mother. The Earl of Carlisle becomes his guardian. Sent to Harrow school,

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Removed to Trinity College, Cambridge. Keeps a bear in his rooms. Quits

college. At the age of nineteen, publishes a volume of poems, entitled Hours

of Idleness. On leaving Newstead Abbey. Epitaph on a Friend. A Fragment.

The Tear. Prologue to the Wheel of Fortune. Stanzas to a Lady, with the

poems of Cameons. To M***. To Woman. To M. S. G. Song, When I roved

a young Highlander.' To. To Mary, on receiving her picture. Damætus.

To Marion. Oscar and Alva, a tale. To the Duke of D--. Translations

and Imitations. Adrian's address to his Soul when dying. From Catullus ;

ad Lesbian. The Epitaph on Virgil and Tibullus, by Domitus Marsus. From

Catullus; Luctus de mortis passeris. From Catullus; to Ellen. From

Anacreon; to his Lyre-Ode III. Fragments of School Exercises. From the

Promotheus Vinctus of Eschylus. The Episode of Nisus and Euryalus, a

paraphrase from the Eneid, lib. 9. From the Medea of Euripedes. Fugitive

Pieces; Thoughts suggested by a college examination. To the Earl of --.

Granta; a medley. Lachin Y. Gair. To Romance. Childish recollections.

The death of Calmar and Orla, in imitation of Macpherson's Ossian. To E. N.

L. Esq. Το 'Oh! had my fate been joined with thine.' 'I wish I were

a Highland child.' Lines written beneath an elm, in the churchyard of

Harrow on the Hill. Criticism on Hours of Idleness, from the Edinburgh

Review. Animadversions thereon. Disposition of Lord Byron on his

entrance into life. His fondness for a Newfoundland dog. Lines inscribed

upon a cup formed from a skull. His amours. Becomes enamoured of a fair

relative, who, however, marries another. Resolves on quitting England in

consequence. Becomes a great favorite among the fair sex. The authoress of

Glenarvon falls in love with him. Repels the attacks of the Edinburgh

Reviewers, by publishing English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a satire.

Remarks on the satire. Curran's reply to Lady A--11. Lord Byron quits

England in company with Mr. Hobhouse. They proceed to Lisbon. Travel

through Spain to the Mediterranean. Commences his poem of Childe

Harold's Pilgrimage. The poem described, accompanied with extracts.

Frequency of assassination in the streets of Lisbon. The heroine of

Saragoza. The travellers proceed to Greece. Description of Albania.-

Attachment of his Albanian servants. Visits Ali Pacha in his palace

at Tepalen. Anecdote of Ali Pacha's barbarity. A note to Lady Mor-

gan, on Ida of Athens. Lord Byron's partiality for Athens. On travel-

ling in Turkey. Remarks on Childe Harold. Opinions of the Quarterly and

Edinburgh Reviewers. Lyrical pieces subjoined to Childe Harold. Swims

across the Hellespont with Lieutenant Ekenhead. The possibility of this

exploit doubted by Mr. Turner in his Travels. Letter from Lord Byron to

Mr. Murray on the subject.

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