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Comp. of the Future.

Jaurai parle, I shall have


tu aurás parlé, thou wilt have spoken

il aura parlé, he will have spoken

Nous aurons parlé, we shall have spoken

vous aurez parlé, you will have spoken

ils auront parlé, they will have spoken

Comp. of the Conditional.

Jaurais parlé, I should have spoken

tu aurais parlé, thou wouldest have spoken

il aurait parlé, he would have spoken

Nous aurions parlé, we should have spoken

vous auriez parlé, you would have spoken

ils auraient parlé, they would have spoken


1. Je parle, I may speak

2. tu parles, thou mayest or mayst speak

23. il parle, he may speak

1. Nous parlions, we may speak

12. vous parliez, you may speak


3. ils parlent, they may speak

Comp. of the Present.

Que, that

Jaie parlé, I may have spoken tu aies parlé, thou mayest

have spoken

il ait parlé, he may have spoken

Nous ayons parlé, we may have spoken vous ayez parlé, you may have spoken

ils aient parlé, they may have spoken

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Parlons, let us speak

2. Parle, speak, or speak thou parlez, speak, or do you speak


{qu'il parle, let him speak qu'ils

qu'elle parle, let her

ou qu'elles parlent, let

them speak

So conjugate donner, to give; aimer, to love; éviter, to avoid; cacher, to conceal, &c. There are more than 2700 verbs in er conjugated after this model.

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Comp. of the Pres. Que j'aie bâti, that I may have built

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Bâtissons, let us build
bâtissez, build (you)
qu'ils, ou qu'elles bâtissent, let
them build

agir, to act; abolir, to

So conjugate punir, to punish; abolish, &c. There are about 200 verbs of this conjugation in nir, gir, cir, &c.


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* Obs. The cedilla is not put under the c when it is immediately followed by e mute.

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