1. Singular. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Plural. Recevons, let us receive 2. Reçois, receive (thou) 3. Qu'il, ou qu'elle reçoive, let qu'ils, ou qu'elles reçoivent, let him or her receive them receive So conjugate concevoir, to conceive; devoir, to owe, &c. There are only seven regular verbs of this conjugation. Comp. of the Pres. Que j'aie vendu, that I may have sold Comp. of the Pret. Que j'eusse vendu, that I might have sold So conjugate rendre, to render; répondre, to answer; perdre, to lose, &c. There are about thirty-five regular verbs conjugated according to this model. All verbs, like the auxiliaries, may be conjugated interrogatively, negatively, and interrogatively negatively; as, Interrogatively. - Donné-je? ou, est ce que je reçûmes-nous ? did we re- recevra-t-elle? will she receive? Ai-je donné? have I given ? avez-vous parlé? have you spoken? or did you speak? avait-il bâti, had he built ? eûtes-vous reçu? had you received ? aura-t-il reçu ? will he have received ? rendraient-ils ? would they auraient-elles vendu? would render? Negatively. they have sold ? Interrogatively Negatively. Ne donne-t-il pas ? is he not giving? or does he not give ? ne bâtissions-nous pas ? did we not build ? ne reçurent-ils pas? did they not receive? ne rendrez-vous pas ? will you not render? ne rendrions-nous pas ? should we not render? Navez-vous pas donné? have you not given ? n'a-t-il pas bâti? has he not n'eûmes-nous pas reçu? had He Be careful not to give a literal translation of English sentences similar to the following: Am I speaking? parlé-je ? ou, est-ce que je parle? (not suis-je parlant). I am not receiving, je ne reçois pas (not je ne suis pas recevant) does not punish, il ne punit pas (not il ne fait pas punir). I am going to London, je vais à Londres (not je suis allant à Londres). Are you going to Paris? allez-vous à Paris (not êtes vous allant à Paris). Are you building a house? faites*vous bâtir une maison, ou bâtissez-vous une maison? (not étesvous bâtissant une maison). Is she not listening? n'écoute-telle pas? (not n'est-elle pas écoutant.) PRACTICE ON THE FIRST CONJUGATION. Do I not give? donner Present Indicative. art thou speaking? parler do I not speak ? does he not propose? proposer is she singing? chanter We are seeking, chercher * Obs. The verb faire, to do, or to make, is often used to express the cause of an action or event; Ex. when we say faites-vous bâtir une maison? we do not mean that the person whom we address is in the act of performing the manual labor; but we suppose him to be the proprietor who causes the house to be built. If we ask a man who is at work, whether he is building a house or a church, we say, bâtissez-vous une maison ou une église? |