6. 5th EXCEPTION. Nouns ending in al form their plural in aux. Le cheval, les chevaux, Le général, les généraux, The horse, the horses; Bal, ball; carnaval, carnival; chacal, jackal; régal, treat, follow the general rule. 7. 6th EXCEPTION. Ciel, heaven; œil, eye; and aïeul, ancestor, form their plural irregularly. Les cieux, les yeux, les aïeux, The heavens, the eyes, the ancestors. For further rules see § 8, § 9, and § 10 of the Second Part. 1. Avez-vous les marteaux du charpentier? 2. Nous avons les mar teaux du maréchal. 3. Les maréchaux ont-ils deux marteaux de bois? 4. Ils ont deux marteaux de fer. 5. Les généraux ont-ils les chapeaux de soie de l'enfant? 6. Ils ont les bijoux et les joujoux de l'enfant. 7. Les enfants ont-ils les oiseaux de votre bois? 8. Ils n'ont pas les oiseaux de mon bois, mais ils ont les chevaux de mon général. 9. Le maréchal a-t-il une paire de bas de laine? 10. Le maréchal a deux paires de bas de laine. 11. Monsieur; n'avez-vous pas froid? 12. Non, monsieur; j'ai chaud. 13. Avez-vous du café ou du chocolat? 14. Je n'ai ni café ni chocolat. 15. N'avez-vous 18. Mon fils n'a rien. pas les choux de mon grand jardin ? 16. J'ai les légumes de votre petit jardin. 17. Votre fils, qu'a-t-il? 19. Avez-vous deux morceaux de pain? 20. Le meunier a un morceau de pain, et deux barils de farine. 21. L'épicier a-t-il du café, du thé, du chocolat, et du poivre? 22. Il a du thé et du café, et le chocolat et le poivre de votre marchand. 23. Qui a de l'argent? 24. Je n'ai pas d'argent, mais j'ai du papier. 25. Avez-vous de bon papier? 26. J'ai de mauvais papier. EXERCISE 20. 1. Have you my brother's horses? 2. I have not your brother's horses, I have your cousin's hats. 3. Have the blacksmiths good iron? 4. The blacksmith has two pieces of iron. 5. Have you two pairs of stockings? 6. I have one pair of stockings, and two pairs of gloves. 7. Has your sister the gold jewels? 8. My sister has the gold jewels, and the paper playthings. 9. Have you the cabbages in your garden? 10. We have two cabbages in our garden. 11. Have you the silk hats? 12. The generals have the silk hats. 13. Have you coffee or sugar? 14. We have neither coffee nor sugar. 15. Is your brother ashamed? 16. My brother is neither ashamed nor afraid. 17. Who has two barrels of flour? 18. The miller has two barrels of flour. 19. Have the birds bread? 20. The birds have no bread. 21. Has the merchant tea, chocolate, sugar and pepper? 22. He has sugar and pepper, but he has neither tea nor chocolate. 23. What has your sister? 24. She has nothing. 25. What is the matter with your brother? 26. Nothing is the matter with him. 27. Is he not cold? 28. He is not cold, he is warm. 29. Is he wrong? 30. He is not wrong, he is right. 31. Have you two cloth coats? 32. I have only one cloth coat, but I have two satin waistcoats. 33. Who has my brother's letter? 34. Your sister has it. 35. Your sister has it not. LEÇON XII. LESSON XII. THE PLURAL, CONTINUED. 1. The plural form of the pronouns le, him or it; la, her or it, is les, them, for both genders. Its place is also before the verb. Vous les avez. Les avez-vous? Nous ne les avons pas. You have them. Have you them? 2. Ses chevaux ne 1. Les chevaux de notre ami sont-ils rétifs? sont pas rétifs, mais ses mules sont très rétives. 3. Les chevaux et les mules de votre frère sont excellents. 4. Vos sœurs sont-elles très vives? 5. Mes frères et mes sœurs sont très vifs. 6. Sont-ils souvent oisifs? 7. Non, monsieur; mes sœurs ne sont jamais oisives. 8. Avez-vous peur de votre frère? 9. Non, monsieur; je n'ai peur de personne. 10. Ne sommes-nous pas indulgents? 11. Vous êtes indulgents, et vous avez raison. 12. Ai-je vos livres ? 13. Vous ne les avez pas, vous avez ceux de mon frère aîné. 14. Ne les avezvous pas ? 15. Je ne les ai pas. 16. Avez-vous une bonne paire de bas de laine? 17. J'ai une belle paire de bas de soie. 18. Avez-vous les bonnes maisons ou les mauvaises ? 19. Je n'ai ni les bonnes ni les mauvaises, j'ai celles de ma cousine. 20. Le travail est-il agré able? 21. Le travail est utile et agréable. 22. Avez-vous mes beaux souliers de maroquin? 23. Je n'ai pas vos beaux souliers de maroquin, j'ai vos belles pantoufles de velours. 24. Avez-vous les pantoufles de votre sœur, ou les miennes ? 25. Je n'ai ni les vôtres ni celles de votre sœur, j'ai celles de l'Allemande. EXERCISE 26. 1. Are your brothers and sisters very (bien) quick? (Note, p. 54.) 2. My brothers are quick, but my sisters are not quick. 3. Have you not two restive horses ? 4. No, but I have a restive mule. 5. Have you not two good pairs of silk gloves? 6. I have a good pair of cotton gloves, and two pairs of silk gloves. 7. Are you not afraid of your friends? 8. No, sir; I am never afraid of my friends. 9. I am afraid of nobody. 10. Are you right or wrong? 11. I am right. 12. Have you my beautiful leather slippers, or my oid satin slippers? 13. I have your old leather shoes and your velvet slippers. 14. Are those ladies pleased? 15. Those ladies are pleased, and they are right. 16. Has the German lady your father's shoes or mine? 17. She has neither his nor yours, she has my sister's. 18. Has your elder brother good houses? 19. His houses are better than yours and than mine.2 20. Are his houses old? 21. His houses are old, but they are good. 22. Have you them? 33. No, sir; I have them not, I have no houses. 24. Have you my brother's or my sister's? 25. Your sister has hers and my mother's. 26. Are your scholars attentive? 27. My scholars are very attentive and very studious. 28. Are those German ladies studious? 29. They are very studious and very attentive. 30. Are you often wrong? 31. Yes, sir; I am often wrong. 32. Is labor agreeable? 33. Yes, sir; labor is agreeable and useful. 34. We have them, and you have them not. LEÇON XV. LESSON XV. PLACE OF ADJECTIVES.-RELATIVE PRONOUN EN. 1. The adjective, in French, follows the noun much more frequently than it precedes it. [$ 85, (1.)] Vous avez des amis fidèles. Ma sœur a des livres instructifs. You have faithful friends. My sister has instructive books. 2. Those adjectives which generally precede the nouns have been mentioned in Lesson 8, Rule 5., and will be also found § 85, (11.) Nous avons de belles maisons. Votre jolie petite fille est studieuse. We have beautiful houses. 3. The adjectives which are placed after nouns are:-1st, All participles, present and past, used adjectively. Nous avons une histoire intéressante. We have an interesting history. Vous avez des enfants polis. 1 See Rule 5 of next Lesson. 2 You have polite children. Que meaning which and que conjunction are never understood in French, they must be repeated before every noun, pronoun, and verb. See L. 19, R. 1. 4. 2d, All such as express form, color, taste; such as relate to hearing and touching; such as denote the matter of which an object is composed; as also such as refer to nationality,' or to any defects of the body. [§ 85, (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.)] Nos parents ont des chapeaux noirs. Our relations have black hats. Cette dame espagnole a un enfant That Spanish lady has a lame child. boiteux. 5. 3d, Almost all adjectives ending in al, able, ible, ique and if Ces hommes libéraux sont aimés. Those liberal men are loved. That is a reasonable mind. 6. Some adjectives have a different meaning according to their position before or after the noun. Un brave homme, a worthy man; [See list, § 86.] Un homme brave, a brave man. 7. En is used for the English words some or any, expressed or understood, but not followed by a noun; en has also the sense of of it, of them, thereof, generally understood in English sentences, particularly in answers to questions. [§ 39, (17.) § 104, § 110, (2.)(3.)] Avez-vous des souliers de cuir? Votre fils en a-t-il ? Have you leather shoes? I have some, I have (of them). 8. An adjective used substantively, and having a partitive signification (in a sentence containing the pronoun en), must be preceded by the preposition de, in the same manner as if the noun were expressed. [See R. 4, L. 8.] 1 Such adjectives, in French, do not commence with a capital. See § 145. |