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A (à), PREP. § 142, (2).
Abbreviations, p. 281.
Accents, LESSON 2.

Acheter, to buy, § 49, (5); its gov-

ernment, L. 50, 1.

Accorder, s,' to agree; said also of

watches, L. 92, 3.
Active verb, § 43, (2), (3.)
Active Voice, used in French in
cases where the passive is used in
English, L. 35, 2; L. 46, 3; § 128,
(5.); § 113, (1.)
Adjectives, 14-1. Qualifying
adjectives, § 14-2. Degrees of
signification, § 14-2. Gender

and number of, § 15. Formation
of feminine of, § 16, L. 13. Irregu-
lar adjectives,§ 16, (8.) Adjectives
having no feminine, § 16, (9.)
Plural of, 17, L. 14. Agree-
ment of adjectives with nouns,
S18; 83; L. 13, L. 14. Relat-
ing to several nouns, § 18, (3);
L. 14, 1, 2. Determining adjec-
tives, § 19. Demonstrative, L. 9;
$ 20; 93. Possessive, L. 9;

21; 94; Remarks on, § 95.
Agree with object possessed, § 21,
(2); L. 9, 3. Numeral adjectives,

22, L. 19; place of, § 96. Car-
dinal adjectives, § 22, (1), (2), (4);
Variations of, § 23; Observation
on, § 24. Ordinal numbers, § 23,
(3), (5). Observation on, § 25.
Indefinite adjectives, § 30; § 97.
Verbal adjectives, syntax of, § 65.
Remarks on feu, nu, &c., § 84.
Adjectives used adverbially, § 67,
(3); § 84, (5). Place of adjec-
tives, L. 15; 85; § 86. Adjec-
tives preceding noun, § 85, (11).
Adjectives differing in meaning
before and after, § 86. Regi-
men or government of, § 87;
$88; § 89; § 92; L. 79. Ad-
jectives requiring a different pre-
position in French and English,
$ 90.
Adverbs, § 67.
tives, 68.
tion, 69.

Formed from adjec-
Degrees of significa-
Adverbs forming a

comparison of themselves, § 70.
Syntax of, § 136. Place of, § 136;
L. 34; L. 41. Observation on,
$137. Adverbs of negation,

138. Adverbs of quantity fol-
lowed by de, L. 18.

A droite, to the right, L. 70, 6.
A gauche, to the left, L. 70, 6.
A fleur de, even with, L. 80, 2.
A force de, by dint of, L. 80, 2.
A l'égard de, with regard to, L. 80, 2.
A raison de, at the rate of, L. 80, 2.
Au dehors, outside, L. 80, 2.
Au dedans, inside, L. 80, 2.
Au delà, beyond, L. 80, 2.
Age, avoir used for, L. 20, 6.
A la campagne, in the country,
L. 34, 8.

A la chasse, hunting, L. 34, 8.
A la pêche, fishing, L. 34, 8.
A l'anglaise, à la française, after the

English, French fashions, L. 69, 3.
A l'école, at school; à l'église, at
church, L. 25, 6.

A l'endroit, right side cut; à l'en-
vers, wrong side cut, L. 69, 1.
A l'insu, unknown to, L. 82.
Alphabet, L. 1.

Aller, to go, used for proximate fu-
ture, L. 26, 1. Aller trouver, to
go to, L. 26, 3. S'en aller, to go
away, L. 40; 1, 2; L. 47, 1.
Aller, to fit, to sit, L. 47, 2. Aller
à pied, à cheval, en voiture, to
walk, ride, go in a carriage, L. 62,

Amis (un de mes), a friend of mine,
L. 67, 3.

Amuser, (s',) to take pleasure in, etc.,
L. 38, 6.

Analogy between many French and
English words, § 147.

Answers in French should be ex-
plicit, L. 24, 12.

Apporter, amener, to bring, carry,
L. 44, 6.
Approcher, (s',) to draw near, L.
39, 6.
Articles, § 13; L. 4, 1, 2.
of, L. 4, 2; § 13, (7);
Contraction of, § 13, (8);

§ 146.
L. 5, 1;


L. 25, 6. English article a or
an, § 14, (9). Recapitulation of
articles, 13. Syntax of, § 77.
Use of, § 77, (1), (2), (3), etc. Be-
fore words used in partitive sense,
$ 78, (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7);
13, (10); L. 6, 1; L. 7, 5; L. 8,
4; L. 12, 3; L. 29, 8.
used before words in general sense,
and abstract nouns, § 77, (1), (2);
L. 8, 2, 3; L. 23, 11; L. 29 and
30. Article omitted before num-
ber of a sovereign, L. 30, 3.
Article le used before parts of the
body, L. 63, 5. Use of article in-
stead of possessive adjective,
§ 77, (9); L. 37, 1; L. 63, 5;
L. 66, 3. Repetition of, § 80.
Remarks on the use of, § 81.
Idioms in which the article is
omitted, § 82.
Aspirate H, L. 3, p. 25.

H not

aspirate in héroïne, etc., L. 3,
p. 25, note.

Asseoir, (s',) to sit down, L. 36, 4.
Assez, enough, its place, L. 34, 3.
Aujourd'hui, to-day, its place, L.
41, 5.

Au lieu de, instead of, L. 35, 4.
Au revoir, till I see you again, L.
89, 4.

Auxiliary verbs, § 43, (8); L. 43,
§ 46. Use of, § 46. Paradigms
of, $ 47.

Avancer, to gain, said of clocks, etc.,
L. 92, 1.

Avant, before, prep. § 142, (1).
Avoir, to have, used idiomatically
with quelque chose, chaud, froid,
etc., L. 8, 1. With coutume, besoin,
etc., L. 21, 4. Used for the day
of the month, L. 19, 6; for age,
L. 20, 6. Avoir lieu, to take place,
L. 35, 3. Avoir mal, to have a
pain, etc., L. 66, 1. Avoir des dou-
leurs, L. 66, 2. Avoir, to hold,
L. 66, 3. Avoir chaud aux mains,
L. 66, 3. Avoir beau, to be in vain,
L. 67, 1. Avoir, used for dimen-
sion, size, L. 68, 1. Avoir, nega-
tively, § 47, (2). Interrogatively,
§ 47, (3). Interrogatively and
negatively, 47, (4).

BEAU, bel, handsome, fine, L. 13, 6.
CAPITALS, use of, § 145.

Cardinal numbers, § 22, (2); § 24.
Variations of, § 23. Use of, after
names of sovereigns, L. 30, 3;
§ 26, (3). For the day of the
month, $ 26, (1).

Cases, § 2.

Ce, demons. prn. § 37, (6); § 108;
$116; L. 81. Used for he, she,
before être, L. 82, 1. C'est moi,
L. 81, 1.

- demcns. adj., § 20, (1); L. 10, 1, 2.
Cedilla, L. 3, 6.

Ce que, what, L. 31, 4.
Celui qui, he who, L. 81, 4.
Chacun, each one, § 41, (2).
Chaque, each, § 30, (4).
Changer d'habit, to change one's coat;

changer de maison, to move, L. 58,
1. Changer, to exchange, L. 58, 2.
Chez, prep. at the house of, § 142,
(3); L. 24, 9.

Collective nouns, § 3, (5), (6). Num-
ber of verbs after collective nouns,
L. 85.

Collocation of words, § 144.
Combien de temps, how long; com-
bien de fois? how often? L. 44, 1.
Combien y a-t-il ? how far? how
long since? L. 57, 4.
Comparison of adjectives and ad-
verbs, L. 16; L. 17.
Composing French, plan of exercises
for, p. 103; list of words for, p. 271.
Compound nouns, § 3, (7). § 9; L.
59. Gender of, 5, (15).
Conditional mode, § 45, 2d, (3).
Use of 125. Formation and
termination of, L. 62, 1, 2. Irre-
gularities of, L. 62, 4. Not used
after si, if, L. 62, 6; § 125.
Conjugation of verbs. First conju-
gation, paradigm, § 48. Peculiari-
ties of some verbs, § 49. Second
conjugation, paradigm, § 50.
Third conjugation, paradigm, S
Peculiarities of verbs of
third conjugation, § 49; § 52.
Fourth conjugation, paradigm, §
53. Passive verbs, paradigm, 54.
Rule, § 55. Reflective verbs, para-
digm, § 56. Negative form of,
57. Interrogative form, § 58.
Interrogative and negative form,


59. Unipersonal verbs, para-
digm, § 61, 2. Terminations of
regular verbs, § 60. Table of
irregular verbs, § 62.

Connaître, to be acquainted with, L.
30, 6. Connaître quelqu'un à la
voix, to know some one by the voice,
L. 87, 4. Connaître de vue, to
know by sight, etc., L. 87, 5. Se
connaître à, to be a judge of, L.
87, 6.

Conjunctions, § 73. Lists of, § 73,
(2). Syntax of § 143. Govern-
ment of, 127; § 143. Requir-
ing subjunctive, § 143, (2); infin-
itive, § 143, (1); conditional or
indicative, § 143, (3); si, if, § 125,
(3); L. 62, 6. Examples of con-
junctions, L. 100.
Consonants, L. 3.

Convenir, to be becoming, L. 49, 2.
Coucher (se), to retire, to go to bed, L.
37, 5.

DANS, prep. in, § 142, (2).
Davantage, more, L. 16, note.
Day of month, week, not preceded
by preposition, L. 26, 10.
Degrees of comparison of adjectives,
L. 16; L. 17.

Demain, to-morrow, its place, L. 41,5.
Demander, to ask, its government,
L. 50, 1.

Démettre (se), le bras, etc., to dislo-
cate one's arm, etc., L. 93, 1. To
resign a place, L. 93, 2.
Demonstrative adjective, § 20.
Demonstrative pronoun, § 36.




Dépêcher (se), to make haste, L. 40, 7.
Devant, prep. before, § 142, (1).
Devenir, to become, L. 85, 5.
Devoir, to owe, expressing future,
obligation, L. 35, 5.
Dimension, etc., L. 68.

Diphthongs, sounds of, L. 2, p. 19.
Dont, prn. of whom, of which, L.
31, 8.

ELISION, § 146.

Of article, L. 4, 2;
$13, (7). Of pronoun je, L. 4, 5.
Of preposition de, L. 6, 3. Of ne,
L. 7, 3. Of pronouns le, la, L.
9, 2.

Éloigner (s'), to go from, to leave, L.
39, 6.

Emparer, (s'), to seize, to lay hold of,
L. 93, 3.
Empêcher, (s'), to help, to prevent
one's self, L. 93, 4.

Emporter, Emmener, to take away,
L. 44, 6.

En, pronoun, § 39, (17); § 95, (5);
§ 110; § 103, (1); § 104; L.
15, 7; L. 22, 3. Before a past
participle, § 135, (7); L. 42, 11,
12. Used instead of possessive
adjective, § 95, (5); L. 96, 1, 2.
En, prep. § 142, (2); L. 34, 5, 6, 7.
Encore, more, etc., L. 17, 3.
Endormir (s'), to fall asleep, L. 39, 5.
Ennuyer, to weary, L. 38, 4. S'en-

nuyer, to become weary, L. 38, 5.
Entendre parler, to hear about, of, L.
35, 7.

Entendre, to understand, L. 96, 3.
Se faire entendre, to make one's
self understood, L. 96, 4. Followed
by another verb, L. 97, 4.
Envoyer chercher, to send for, L.
26, 5.

Épouser, to marry, said only of par-
ties, L. 67, 2.

Essayer, to try on, L. 47, 4.
Est-ce que, prefixed to the verb, §
98; L. 25.

Etre, conjugation of, § 47, (5).

Number of être after ce, § 116.
Used for aller, to go, L. 43, 5. For
to belong, L. 47, 5; L. 91, 2. Être
riche de, to be worth, L. 49, 5.
Etre en retard, to be late, and
other idioms with être, L. 91, 1.
Y être, to be at home, in, L. 91, 3.
Euphonic t, L. 4, 6.

Éveiller (s'), to awake, L. 39, 5.
Every day, tous les jours, L. 26, 8.
Exercises in composing French,
p. 270.

FACHER (se), to be or become angry,
L. 40, 4.

Faire, before another verb, to cause,
to have, L. 32, 3, 4; L. 97, 4.
Faire faire, to have made, L. 32, 4;
L. 63, 1. Faire raccommoder, to
have mended. Faire la cuisine,
faire cuire, to cook. Faire bouillir,
to boil, L. 63, 1. Faire peur, to
frighten; faire attention, to pay
attention; faire tort, to injure;
faire du mal, to hurt, L. 63, 3.

used unipersonally, in speak-
ing of the weather, L, 33, 5.
Falloir, to be necessary, L. 48.
Feminine terminations, § 6, (2), (3).
Feu, adj., late, § 84, (1).

Future absolute, § 45, (2). Use of,
§ 124. Formation of, § 61; L. 60,
1, 2, 3. Irregularities of, L. 61,
1, 2, 3, 4. Future anterior, § 45,
(2), 8. Use of, § 124. Forma-
tion of, L. 60, 4. Future used in
French where the present is used
in English, L. 61, 5.

GENDER, § 4. By the meaning, § 5.
By the termination, § 6.
Gêner, to incommode, trouble, etc., L.
83, 5. Se gêner, to constrain or
trouble one's self, L. 83, 5.
Gens, people, L. 95, 2, 3, 4.
Government. See Regimen.

[blocks in formation]

Le, meaning so, it, etc., L. 46, 4, 5.
Le mien, mine, etc., L. 9, 6; L. 12, 6.
Lequel, etc., which, L. 18, 6; L. 31, 7.

Gré, will. Bon gré, mal gré, etc. Lever, (se), to rise, L. 37, 6.

L. 88, 5.

Guère (ne), but little, L. 17, 5.

HATER (se), to hasten, L. 40, 7.
Hier, yesterday, its place, L. 41, 5.
Hour of the day, L. 20; L. 92.

IMPERATIVE mode, § 45, 3d, (4). Use

of, 126. Terminations of, L.
70, 1. Irregularities, L. 70, 3, 4.
Two imperatives coming together,
§ 100, (6). Imperative followed
by a verb, L. 71, 1.
Imperfect of indicative, § 45, (2), 2d.
Use of, § 119; L. 53. Formation
and terminations, L. 53. Irregu-
larities, L. 54.

Imperfect of subjunctive, § 45, (5),
2. Use of, L. 75. Terminations
of, L. 75, 1, 2, 3. Formation of,
L. 75, 4. Irregularities, L. 75, 5.
Importer, n'importe, no matter;
qu'importe? what matters it? L.
94, 1, 2.

In, dans, en, à, L. 34, 5, 6.
Indicative mode, § 45, 1st, (2.)
Indicative present, § 45, (2), 1. Use

of, § 118. Terminations, L. 23, 5.
Infinitive mode, § 45, 5th, (6). Use
of, 128. Important rules, § 128,
(4), (5), Verb preceded by an-
other, put in infinitive, L. 21, 2.
In order to, pour, L. 28, 8.
Inquiéter (s'), to be uneasy, L. 93, 5.
Interjections, § 74.

Interrogative form of verbs, L. 23,
9; L. 25, 1; $ 98, (5), (6).
Interrogative sentences, form of, L.
6, 4; § 76, (4), (5); L. 25, 1; L.
56, 1.

[blocks in formation]

Mal, sore, pain, etc., L. 66.
dents, toothache, mal de tête,
headache, L. 66.
Marcher, to walk, L. 36, 6.
Marier, to marry, to
ceremony, L. 67, 2.
get married, L. 67, 2.

perform the
Se marier, to
Être marié,

to be married, L. 67,2. See Épouser.
Measure, weight, price by, L. 68, 3.
Même, same, even, etc., § 30, (5);
$ 97, (2).

Mener, porter, to take, to carry, L.
44, 6.

Mettre, to put on, L. 32, 1. Mettre
le couvert, to lay the cloth, L. 32, 1.
Mettre à même, to enable; mettre
pied à terre, to alight; mettre à
la porte, to turn out of doors; met-
tre au fait, to acquaint, etc., L.
69, 1. Se mettre, to dress one's
self, to sit down, L. 69, 2.
Mettre à l'heure, to set a watch, L.
92, 2.

Midi, minuit, noon, midnight, L. 20, 2.
Modes, 45. Indicative, § 45, 1st,
(2). Conditional, § 45, 2d, (3).
Imperative, 45, 3d, (4). Sub-
junctive, 45, 4th, (5). Infinitive,
45, 5th, (6). Participle, § 45,
6th, (7).
Moi, toi, etc., used instead of nomi-
native pronouns, L. 17, 6.

Mon, ma, poss. adj., agree with ob-
ject possessed, L. 9, 3, 4.
Monde, world, people, L. 95, 1. Tout
le monde, every body, L. 95.
Monsieur, used before names of kin-
dred, L. 24, note. Before titles,
L. 29, 6. Plural of, L. 29, 7.
Month, day of, L. 19, 6; L. 26, 10.
Must, falloir, etc., L. 48; § 62.

NAÎTRE, to be born, Je suis né, I was
born, L. 43, note.
Nasal sounds, p. 21.
Ne, negative, § 138. Place of, L. 7,
1. Ne-que, only, L. 19, 2. Ne,
idiomatic, § 127, 3; § 138, (4),
(5); L. 72, 9. Ne-plus, no-
more, L. 17, 4.
Ne-guère, L.
17, 5.

Ni, neither, nor, L. 7, 4. Article
used or not after ni, L. 8, 3, 4.
Ni l'un, ni l'autre, neither, L. 84, 4, 5.
N'importe, no matter, L. 94, 1.
Negative sentence, L. 7.
Negative, second, suppressed after
certain verbs, § 138, (2).
N'est-ce pas ? Is it not? L. 94, 3.
Neuter verbs, § 43, (5). Their aux-
iliary, L. 43; § 46.
Nominative. See Subject.

Non, no, Je dis que non, I say no,
L. 82, 3.

Notre, votre, our, your, etc., L. 9, 5.

Le nôtre, ours, L. 9, 6.
Noun, 3. Proper, § 3,(3). Common,

§3, (4). Collective, § 3, (5), (6),
Compound, § 3, (7). Taken in a
partitive sense, § 13, (10); § 78,
(1), (2); L. 6, 1; L. 29, 8. Taken
in a general sense, § 77, (1), (2);
L. 8, 2. Gender by the meaning,
§ 5. By the termination, § 6.
Plural of, 8; L. 11. Plural of
compound, 9; L. 59. Syntax
of, 76. Place of subject in
affirmative and negative sentences,
§ 76, (1), (2). In interjected sen-
tences, 76, (3). In interrogative
sentences, 76, (4), (5); L. 6, 4;
L. 56, 1. Place of regimen, § 76,
(6), (7), (8), (9); L. 56, 2, 3. Re-
spective places of possessor and
object possessed, § 76, (10); L. 5,
3. Of object and its substance,
§ 76, (11); L. 5, 4; L. 59, 6. Of
object and its use, § 76, (12), (13),
(14); L. 59, 7.

[ocr errors]

Nouveau, nouvel, new, L. 13, 6.
Nu, bare, adj. § 84, (2).
Nul, no, § 30, (7).

Nulle part, no where, L. 25, 8.
Number, § 1, (5). See Different
Parts of Speech.

Number. See Numeral Adjectives.
Ordinal adverbs of number, § 29.
Numeral collective nouns, 27.
Numerals, fractions, § 28.
ON, one, people, they, § 41, (4), (5)
§ 113; L. 35, 1, 2.

Onze, eleven, etc., article not elided
Ordinal numbers, § 22, (3), (5). Not
before, L. 19, 7.

used after names of sovereigns or
for days of the month, L. 30, 3;
§ 26, (1), (3).

Oter, to take off, to take away, L.
32, 2.

Ou, or, agreement of verb with nouns
connected by, L. 84, 2, 3.
Oui, yes, Je dis que oui, I say yes, L.
82, 3.

PARADIGMS of auxiliary verbs, § 47.
For others, see Conjugations.
Par où? which way? L. 44, 5.
Participle, past, § 45, 6th, (7).

Without an auxiliary, § 66, (3);
L. 42, 10; L. 98, 1. Accom-
panied by être, § 134, (2); L. 42,
6; L. 98, 3. In reflective verbs,
§ 135, (1), (2); L. 45, 2; L. 98,
6; L. 99, 4. In neuter verbs,
L. 98, 3. Accompanied by avoir,
$ 134, (3); L. 42, 5; L. 98, 4.
Never agrees with indirect regi-
men, L. 42, 9. Neuter verbs with
avoir, § 135, (6); L. 99, 2. Of
unipersonal verbs, L. 45, 6; L.
99, 3. Never agrees with en, § 135,
(7); L. 42, 11, 12; L. 99, 8. Fol-
lowed by an infinitive, § 135, (3);
L. 98, 7; L. 99, 5.
verbs, L. 46; L. 98, 2.
invariable before an
63, 2; L. 99, 7.
§ 135, (8).

Of passive
Fait always
infinitive, L.
After le peu,

present § 64; L. 97.
Partitive sense, nouns taken in, L. 6,
1; § 13,(10); § 78, (1), (2); L. 29,8.
Pas, point, not, difference, § 138, (1).
Place of, L. 7, 1, 2. Omitted when
a second negative occurs, § 138,
(3); L. 7, 4. Omitted after cer-
tain verbs, § 138, (2)

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