Catalogue of books, for 18171817 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
Account Adventures Amst Anatomy Ancient Arithmetic Art of Dialling Astronomy Bishop boards bound in calf bound in Russia Britain British calf extra calf gilt Christian Chronicle Church Collection coloured plts Companion copy curious Description Dictionary Discourses Divine double bands Earl elegant in Russia elegantly bound elegantly gilt Elements England and Wales English Engravings Essays finely coloured France French gantly gilt Geography gilt leaves Greek half Russia half-bound History and Antiquities History of England illustrated impressions India paper Ireland John Journey large paper Lectures Letters Lond London Lord maps and plts marble leaves Mathematical Memoirs Miscellanies Moral Morocco Natural History Natural Philosophy neat neut Notes numerous plts Opera Oxon Paris plates Poems Poetical Poetry portrait published at 11 Reign Religion Robert Naunton Roman round the World Russia extra Scotland Sermons Smith's super extra Tabulæ Tatler Tour Tracts translated Travels Treatise Trigonometry vellum View
Fréquemment cités
Page 117 - The Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius. His Prophesies, and Predictions Interpreted ; and their truth made good by our English Annalls, being a Chronographicall History of all the Kings, and memorable passages of this Kingdome, from Brute to the • Reign of our Royall Soveraigne King Charles; a Subject never published in this kind before, and deserves to be knowne and observed by all men.
Page 66 - ... a true account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy against the late king, his present majesty, and the present government ; a performance which he thought convenient, after the revolution, to extenuate and excuse.
Page 58 - On the Nature and Origin of Evil; On Providence; On Nature, Contemplation and The One; and on the Descent of the Soul.
Page 18 - ORIGINAL LETTERS, written during the Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III., by various Persons of Rank or Consequence.
Page 12 - Britton, John, The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain; represented and illustrated in a series of views, elevations, plans, sections, and details, of various ancient English edifices, with historical and descriptive accounts of each, 5 vols., 1807-27.
Page 12 - Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities, chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions. With the Additions of Sir HENRY ELLIS.
Page 119 - SPENCER (John) A Discourse concerning Prodigies ; wherein the Vanity of Presages by them is reprehended, and their true and proper Ends asserted and -vindicated.
Page 21 - Iter Boreale. Attempting something upon the Successful and Matchless March of the Lord General George Monck, from Scotland to London, The Last Winter, &c.
Page 2 - Travels from France to Italy through the Lepontine Alps, or an Itinerary of the Road from Lyons to Turin, by the Way of the Pays-de-Vaud, the Vallais, and across the Monts Great St.
Page 17 - Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, with Explanatory Observations on Armorial Ensigns, by James Dallaway, AM 4to.