Dramatis Perfonæ. FERDINAND, King of Navarre. Biron, Longaville, Dumain, Boyet, Macard, } three Lords, attending upon the King in his retirement. Lords, attending upon the Princess of France. Don Adriano de Armado, a fantastical Spaniard. Nathaniel, a Curate. Dull, a Constable. Holofernes, a Schoolmaster. Costard, a Clown. Moth, Page to Don Adriano de Armado. A Forester. Princess of France. Rofaline, Maria, Ladies, attending on the Princess. Catharine, Jaquenetta, a Country Wench. Officers, and others, Attendants upon the King and Princess. SCENE, the King of Navarre's Palace, and the Country near it. LOVE'S LABOUR's lost. ACTI. SCENE, The Palace. Enter the King, Biron, Longaville and Dumain. KING. ET Fame, that all hunt after in their lives, Th' endeavour of this present breath may That honour which shall 'bate his scythe's keen edge; Therefore, brave Conquerors! for so you are, Our Court shall be a little academy, 1 That That are recorded in this schedule here. Dum. My loving lord, Dumain is mortify'd: Biron. I can but say their protestation over, King. Your Oath is pass'd to pass away from these. |