DUKE of Venice. Morochius, a Moorish Prince, Prince of Arragon, } Suiters to Portia. Anthonio, the Merchant of Venice. Bassanio, his Friend, in love with Portia. Salanio, Gratiano, } Friends to Anthonio and Bassanio. Lorenzo, in love with Jessica. Shylock, a Jew. Tubal, a Jew, his Friend. Launcelot, a Clown, Servant to the Jew. Gobbo, an old Man, Father to Launcelot. Leonardo, Servant to Bassanio. Portia, an Heiress of great Quality and Fortune. Nerissa, Confident to Portia. Jessica, Daughter to Shylock. Senators of Venice, Officers, Jailer, Servants and other Attendants. SCENE, partly at Venice; and partly at Belmont, the Seat of Portia upon the Continent. THE THE MERCHANT of VENICE. A CT I. SCENE, a Street in Venice. Enter Anthonio, Solarino, and Salanio. G ANTHOΝΙΟ: ON footh, I know not why I am so sad: T I am to learn What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is And fuch a want-wit sadness makes of me, Sal. Your mind is tossing on the ocean; That curtsie to them, do them reverence, As they fly by them with their woven wings. Sola. |