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8. COUDRE, to sew, active verb, with avoir.

Infinitive. Coudre, cousant, cousu.

[blocks in formation]

Pres. Je cous-e,



cous-ions, lez,



Pret. Je cous-isse, isses, ît; cous-issions, issiez, issent.

Imper. Couds, qu'il couse; cousons, cousez, qu'ils cousent.

So conjugate

DÉCOUDRE, to unsew. RECOUDRE, to sew again.

9. CRAINDRE, to fear, active verb, with avoir.

Infinitive. Craindre, craignant, craint.


Pres. Je crain -s,
Imp. Je craign-ais,

Pret. Je craign-is,

[blocks in formation]


Je craind-rai, Cond. Je craind-rais, Subj.



e; craign-ions, iez,


Pres. Je craign-e, es,
Pret. Je craign-isse, isses, it; craign-issions, issiez, issent.

Imper. Crains, qu'il craigne; craignons, craignez, qu'ils craignent.

[blocks in formation]

10. CROIRE, to believe, to think, active verb, with avoir.

Infinitive. Croire, croyant, cru.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Pres. Je croi-e,



croy-ions. iez,


cr -ussions, ussiez, ussent.

Pret. Je cr-usse, usses, ût;

Imper. Crois, qu'il croie; croyons, croyez, qu'ils croient.

[blocks in formation]

I will sew it again.

He will not make his ap- He does not fear me.

[blocks in formation]

Will she preserve these fruits well? It will not be enough for all our wants. My fortune has been enough for me. I have known him these ten years. Do you know Mr. B.! You appear to me a very honest man. He has refused to make his appearance before the judge. They have disappeared from society. She did not put out the lamp. The soldiers joined us yesterday. I pitied him, as soon as I saw him. You complain of his bad conduct. I do not believe a word of it. She believed it when I saw her. He will never appear again in the country. The horse did not feed at all. She does not know how to sew. Let her sew it over again. I feared him yesterday very much. To-day I fear him a little; to-morrow I shall not fear him at all. They have feigned strong pains. You will soon paint a picture very well. His father has never restrained him enough. I never should have believed it, if he had not said it.

[blocks in formation]

11. CROÎTRE, to grow, neuter verb, with avoir.

Infinitive. Croître, croissant, crû

[blocks in formation]

Pres. Je croiss-e,



croiss-ions, iez,


cr -ûssions, ûssiez, ûssent.

Pret. Je cr -ûsse, ûsses, ût;

Imper. Croîs, qu'il croisse; croissons, croissez qu'ils croisent.

ACCROÎTRE, to increase.

So conjugate

DÉCROÎTRE, to decrease.

12. DIRE, to say, to tell, active verb with avoir.

Infinitive. Dire, disant, dit.

[blocks in formation]

Imper. Dise, qu'il dise; disons, dites, qu'ils disent.

So conjugate

CONTREDIRE, to contradict.


INTERDIRE, to interdict, to

MAUDIRE, to curse.

ill, always allowed by


PRÉDIRE, to foretell.
REDIRE, to tell again.

MÉDIRE, to slander, to speak SE DÉDIRE, to retract.

All, except redire, make-disez; maudire makes maudissez, in the second person plural of the indicative present and of the imperative.

13. ÉCLORE, to hatch, to blow, neuter and defective verb,

with être.

[blocks in formation]

14. ÉCRIRE, to write, active verb, with avoir.

Infinitive. Écrire, écrivant, écrit.

[blocks in formation]

Pres. J'écriv-e,



Pret. J'écriv-isse, isses,

écriv-ions, iez, ent.

ît; écriv-issions, issiez, issent.

Imper. Ecris, qu'il écrive; écrivons, écrivez, qu'ils écrivent.

[blocks in formation]

Imper. Fais, qu'il fasse; faisons, faites, qu'ils fassent

So conjugate

CONTREFAIRE, to counterfeit.
DÉFAIRE, to undo, to defeat.
REDÉFAIRE, to undo again.
REFAIRE, to do, to make up

SATISFAIRE, to satisfy.
SE DÉFAIRE, to get rid of.
SURFAIRE, to ask too much.


He did not grow.
You will not grow.
Has he increased?

Will he decrease?

Do not tell of it.
Why do you tell?
He will not contradict.
That he might not prescribe.
He will be proscribed.
She has transcribed it.
I did it.

Let him do it up again.
It was counterfeited.

Do you curse?

He slanders.

He has not foretold it.

Will you tell it again?

He retracts.

Will you write?

That he may have described.

Do you subscribe?

Do not that.

You will undo it.
He will satisfy you.
Do it.

Corn grows for men. His fortune increases; hers has decreased very rapidly. Say nothing about it. He will contradict all you may say. She would have prescribed it, if her sister had transcribed it well. He was proscribed from all good society. Why did you do it? He will do it over again early. He has cursed his existence. He slanders every body. He foretold it last year. Tell that again. He has already retracted the whole story. Write me a good letter. She describes very well what she sees. I never subscribe for books. Who will be satisfied with such a reason? She has done it.

Rapidly, rapidement every body, tout le monde last year, l'année passée

the whole story, l'histoire en


books, des livres

reason, raison, f.

16. FRIRE, to fry, active and defective verb, with avoir.

Indic. Pres. Je fris,

Fut. Je fri-rai,

Cond. Je fri-rais,

Imper. Fris.

fris, frit.

ras, ra; fri-rons, rez, ront.
rais, rait; fri-rions, riez, raient.

To supply the want of persons and tenses, we use the verb faire, with the infinitive frire; as, Je fais frire, tu fais frire. il fait frire.


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