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" Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur, postea amatorio poculo in furorem versus cum aliquot libros per intervalla insaniae conscripsisset quos postea Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno aetatis xliiii. "
The republican period - Page 339
de Wilhelm Sigmund Teuffel, Wilhelm Wägner - 1873
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XXXIII. Jahresbericht über das städtische Progymnasium mit Realabteilungen ...

Straede - 1905 - 44 pages
...Chronik des Eusebius. Dort heißt es: „Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur, qui postea amatorio póculo in furorem versus, cum aliquot libros per intervalla...postea Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit."*) Aber gerade daß der Dichter diese Geschichte aufgenommen hat, hat man ihm zum Vorwurf gemacht. Die...
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Lucretius: Epicurean and Poet, Volume 1

John Masson - 1907 - 494 pages
...part of 99 BC, or else in the early months of 98 BC, since in either case he would be in his 1 ' Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur ; postea amatorio poculo...emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno aetatis XLiiii.' It is agreed that the source of Jerome's notices of Roman authors was Suetonius. 3 Professor...
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Lucretius, Epicurean and Poet

John Masson - 1907 - 514 pages
...part of 99 BC, or else in the early months of 98 BC, since in either case he would be in his 1 ' Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur ; postea amatorio poculo...Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno a- tat is XLiiii.' It is agreed that the source of Jerome's notices of Roman authors was Suetonius....
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Englische Studien, Volume 37

1907 - 500 pages
...Wahnsinn und tod stammt aus der chronik des Eusebius, wo es heisst: "Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur, qui postea amatorio poculo in furorem versus , cum aliquot...postea Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit." Wenn man diesen bericht des Eusebius, den sich Tennyson zu eigen macht, mit den sonstigen ansichten...
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Lucretius, Epicurean and Poet

John Masson - 1907 - 498 pages
...part of 99 BC, or else in the early months of 98 BC, since in either case he would be in his 1 ' Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur ; postea amatorio furorem versus cum aliquot libros per intervalla insanise conscripsisset, quos postea Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno aetatis XLiiii.'...
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Latin Literature

John William Mackail - 1908 - 314 pages
...practically sums up the whole of our information runs as follows, under the year 94 BC : — Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur, postea amatorio poculo in...emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno aetatis xliiii. Brief and straightforward as the sentence is, every clause in it has given rise to volumes...
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Latin Literature

John William Mackail - 1908 - 314 pages
...our information runs as follows, under the year 94 BC : — Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur, posted amatorio poculo in furorem versus cum aliquot libros per intervalla insaniae conscripsisset quos posted Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno aetdtis xliiii. Brief and straightforward...
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The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Volume 1

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1908 - 796 pages
...Jerome's addition to the Eusebian Chronicle under date BC 94 : " Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur qui postea amatorio poculo in furorem versus, cum aliquot libros per intervalla insaniae conscribsisset, quos postea Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno aetatis xuv." — ED.]...
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The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Volume 1

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1908 - 796 pages
...Jerome's addition to the Eusebian Chronicle under date BC 94 : " Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur qui postea amatorio poculo in furorem versus, cum aliquot libros per intervalla insaniae conscribsisset, quos postea Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno aetatis XLIV." — ED.]...
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The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Poems

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1908 - 802 pages
...Jerome's addition to the Rusebian Chronicle under date BC 94 : " Titus Lucretius poeta nascitur qui postea amatorio poculo in furorem versus, cum aliquot libros per intervalla insaniae conscribsisset, quos postea Cicero emendavit, propria se manu interfecit anno aetatis x1.1v." — ED.]...
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