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" ROMAN ANTIQUITIES : or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. "
The General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical ... - Page 128
publié par - 1812
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University of Cambridge - 1830 - 554 pages
...juventutis Coll. Aen. Mas. olim conscriptus, et nunc demum in lucem editus, a W. Cleaver, DD 3s. 6d. 1789. Roman Antiquities, or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. By Alexander Adam, LL.D. The ninth edition. Svo. 9s. 1825. Rman Antiquities, from Trajan's Column and...
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Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the ...

1831 - 894 pages
...Hazlitt. An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States, by Robert f^alsh, Jr. Roman Antiquities, or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans, by Alexander Adams, LL. D. By Mr. SC Atkinson. The Casket, for 1830. By Mr. George W. Phipps. A Dictionary...
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A manual of Grecian antiquities

G H. Smith - 1832 - 310 pages
...Antichrist, — Apocrypha. In one volume 12md. uniform with the Grecian Antiquities. A SYNOPSIS or ROMAN ANTIQUITIES ; OR, AN ACCOUNT OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE ROMANS. For the Use of Schools and Private Students. BY GH SMITH, EDITOR OF THE GRECIAN ANTIQUITIES. IN THE...
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A Catalogue of the Library collected by Miss Richardson Currer at Eshton ...

Frances Mary Richardson CURRER, Charles James STEWART (Bookseller.) - 1833 - 560 pages
...English offices are paralleled, and divers obscure phrases explained. 4to. London, 1689. Adam's (Alex.) Roman Antiquities ; or, an account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. 8vo. London, 1807. [Rollin's (Chas.)] Treatise on the Revenue and False Money of the Romans. 8vo. Lond....
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Recueil choisi de traits historiques et de contes moraux: Avec la ...

Nicolas Wanostrocht - 1833 - 310 pages
...Revised, corrected, and arranged in a new form, by Lorenzo L. da Ponle and John D. Ogilby. 8vo. ADAM'S ROMAN ANTIQUITIES : or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. Designed chiefly to illustrate the Latin Classics, by explaining Words and Phrases from the Rites and...
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Catalogue of Books Belonging to the Mercantile Library Association of the ...

Mercantile Library Association of the City of New-York - 1834 - 224 pages
...Reading-Room for the term of fouv CATALOGUE. I. HISTORY. CHAPTER I. ANCIENT HISTORY. Adams, Alexander : Roman Antiquities, or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. 8vo. New-York, 1814. *Anquetil, M. : Summary of Universal History, exhibiting the Rise, Decline, and Revolutions...
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Elements of Geometry: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with a ...

John Playfair - 1835 - 336 pages
...Re>vised, corrected, and arranged in a new form, by Lorenzo L. da P»nte and John D. Ogilby. 8vo. ADAM'S ROMAN ANTIQUITIES : or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. Designed chiefly to illustrate the L2tin Classics, by explaining Words and Phrases from the Rites and...
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An Elementary Treatise on Algebra, Theoretical and Practical ...

James Ryan, Robert Adrain - 1835 - 388 pages
...Revised, corrected, nnd arranged in a new form, by Lorenzo L. da Pante and John D. Ogilby. 8vo. ADAM'S ROMAN ANTIQUITIES : or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. Designed chiefly to illustrate the Latin Classics, by explaining Words and Phrases from the Rites and...
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A catalogue of the books belonging to the Library company of ..., Volume 2

Library company of Philadelphia - 1835 - 458 pages
...the archipelago, and of the successors of Alexander. Anc. Un. Hist. HISTORY OF ROME. Mam, 7970, O. Roman antiquities ; or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans ; designed to illustrate the Latin classics. By Alexander Adam. Philadelphia, 1807. 6738, O. & 1058,...
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A Manual of Roman Antiquities

Thomas Swinburne Carr - 1836 - 488 pages
...apophygc, and plinth. 34. Distinguish pedestal and Stylobate. THE END. LONDON: Printed by A. Srorns» ooos, ROMAN ANTIQUITIES: Or, AN ACCOUNT OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE ROMANS; respecting their Government, Magistracy, Laws, Judicial Proceedings, Religion, Games, Military and...
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