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" ROMAN ANTIQUITIES : or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. "
The General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical ... - Page 128
publié par - 1812
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Catalogue, 1866

1866 - 286 pages
...D' (Madame Junot.) Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court and Family. 2 vols. 8vo. NY 1864. ADAM, ALEXANDER. Roman Antiquities ; or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. 8vo. Lond. 1835. ADAMS, JOHN Q. Lives of James Madison and James Monroe— Fourth and Fifth Presidents of...
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Catalogue of the Valuable Library of Fitzedward Hall, Esq., D.C.L.,: To be ...

Fitzedward Hall - 1867 - 368 pages
...Important Disclosures. 8vo, cloth. ' London, 1861. 9. ADAM'S Roman Antiquities, by James Boyd, LL.D. Roman Antiquities : or, an Account of the Manners /and Customs of the Romans, designed to illustrate the Latin Classics, &c., by Alexander Adam, with numerous Notes and improved...
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Catalogue of the Private Library of the Late Hon. Albert G. Greene: To be ...

1869 - 568 pages
...History; both ancient and modern. 5th ed., corrected. Illustrated with maps. 8vo., calf. London, 1816. 28. Roman Antiquities ; or, an account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. 8vo., sheep. NY, 1814. 24. ADAM (Rev. ROBERT). The Religious World Displayed ; or view of Four Grand Systems...
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Catalogue of a Collection of Books, Mostly Printed in London and on the ...

Richard Grant White - 1870 - 284 pages
...AND SOCIETY. -|s 3i" ||fir^||BO'UT, EDMOND. Le Progres. 8vo, uncut. Paris, 1864 156 ADAMS, ALEXANDER. Roman Antiquities ; or, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans, with numerous notes and improved indices. By James Boyd, LL.D. Illustrated with upwards of 100 engravings...
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1873 - 146 pages
...Recreations in Physical Geography 2971 woo CATALOGUE TO THE REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. ADAM (Alexander) Roman Antiquities ; or, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans ADDISON (Joseph) The Works of. (Baskerville Edition). 4 vols. 4to jESCHYLUS. Translated by Potter....
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Catalogue of the Books in the Penzance Public Library ...: With an Index of ...

Penzance (Cornwall). Public Library - 1874 - 482 pages
...vols, 4to. Lond. 1802 12 ACLAND (HD) History of the Vaudois. See ARNAUD, No. 111. ADAM (Alexr., LL.D.) Roman Antiquities ; or, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. 8vo. Lond. 1830 13 ADAMS (Geo.) Essay on Electricity in Theory and Practice, and on Magnetism. Plates, 8vo....
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Dyce Collection: Note. Alexander Dyce. By J. Forster. Manuscripts. Printed ...

South Kensington Museum. Dyce collection - 1875 - 498 pages
...ab eodem edita Adagia seu proverbia veterum Graecorum. 4to. Antverpiae. 1629. 80 ADAM (ALEXANDER). Roman Antiquities : or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans. Second edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1792. 81 Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1807. 82 An Account of the Life and...
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Catalogue of the Library, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. 1873 ...

United States Military Academy. Library - 1876 - 1056 pages
...(Gilbert Abbott). Comic History of Rome. Illustrated by John Leech. 8vo. London, . 7610 Adam (Alexander). Roman Antiquities; or, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans, &c. 1st American from the 5th London edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807. 7671 Appiani (Alex.). Romanarum...
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Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the University ..., Volumes 1876 à 1878

1878 - 764 pages
...Normandy. 12", 100pp. See Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicle of , p. 320. (5122) 376.4 ADAM, Alexander. ... Roman Antiquities: or An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans; with numerous Notes and improved Indices. By James Boyd. . . . Illustrated by upwards of 100 Engravings...
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Catalogue of the free public library, Sydney, 1876. Reference dept ..., Volume 1

New South Wales state libr - 1878 - 1022 pages
...Translated by Sir HH Schomburgk and JE Taylor. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1849 15 A ADAM (ALEXANDER). Boman Antiquities ; or, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. 1 vol. 8vo. Lond., 1835 6D ADAMNAN. [See HISTOBIAXS OF SCOTLAND.] ADAMS (ANDREW LEITH), MD Wanderings...
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