| Dukes of Devonshire Library (Chatsworth) - 1879 - 366 pages
...notisque illustratum, ex bibliotheca Theodori Dousae. Lugduni Batavorum, 1614, 8vo. ADAM, ALEXANDER. Roman Antiquities: or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans. The ninth edition, corrected. London, 1822, 8vo. ADAMS, JOHN. Index Villaris. Third edition. London,... | |
 | Ferdinand Mackeldey - 1883 - 648 pages
...Maternut von Cilano, Romische Altherthumer. Edited by Adler, 4 vols. Altona, 1775, 1776, 8ro. Adam* 1 Roman Antiquities; or, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. Edinburgh, 1791. It has gone through many editions in Great Britain and in America. There have been... | |
 | 1885 - 370 pages
...2335 Roe, EP Brought to Bay С 1868 — Taken Alive and other Stories, with an Autobiography B 2219 Roman Antiquities ; or, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. Designed to illustrate the Latin Classics by explaining Words and Phrases from the Rites and Customs... | |
 | Greece. Ethnikē bibliothēkē, Athens - 1891 - 144 pages
...Völker. Auf 60 Tafeln. Leipzig und Darmstadt 1819. "Ода С re uze r, Symbolik etc. Adam. Alex., Roman antiquities: or an account of the manners and customs of the Romans. 9th edition corrected. London 1822 A l — — — — with numerous notes, and improved indices, by... | |
 | John Rylands Library - 1915 - 540 pages
...lithographiees de toutes les parties du corps humain. Paris, 1821-31. 5 vols. Fol. ADAM (Alexander) Roman antiquities : or, an account of the manners and customs of the Romans. The eleventh edition, corrected. London, 1830. 8vo. RlEGEL (Franz) Die Erkrankungen des Magens. Wien,... | |
 | Johann Georg Theodor Grässe - 1922 - 618 pages
...stempatura stempatorum 1 703. in- 12. Livre très rare ,4 cause de sa suppression. Adam, Alexander, Roman Antiquities or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. Lond. 1822. in-8°. 6sh. (Douz. . edit. ib. 1835. in-So.) Ouvrage de peu de valeur, mais estimé en... | |
 | Virginia State Library - 1909 - 292 pages
...Antiquities. Description of Ancient Rome. Social Life and Customs of Ancient Rome. Adam, Alexander. Roman antiquities: or. An account of the manners and customs of the Romans. Rev., cor.. and illus. with notes and additions, by P. Wilson. 1823. DG76 A19. Becker. WA Gall us;... | |
 | 1926 - 540 pages
...(i)-vii, (viii), (9)-231. Copies located: DC; JTSA. 354. ADAM, ALEXANDER, ROMAN ANTIQUITIES, 1833. Roman Antiquities | or, | an Account | of the Manners and Customs | of the Romans, ... [10 lines] By Alexander Adam, LL. D. | Rector of the High School of Edinburgh. Revised, corrected,... | |
 | Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies - 1924 - 786 pages
...(Institution of Royal Engineers). 1924. (Presented by the Institution of the Royal Engineers). :OMAN ANTIQUITIES : OR AN ACCOUNT OF THE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE ROMANS. By A. Adam. 8vo. London, 1819. (Presented by Viscount Dillon, CH, FSA). DICTIONARY OF MILITARY TERMS... | |
 | Anne-Imelda Radice - 1981 - 124 pages
...the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Translated from the French, by GO Justamond. London, 1788. Roman Antiquities, or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans, designed chiefly to illustrate the Latin classics, by explaining words and phrases from the rites and... | |
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