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" This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abney... "
The General Biographical Dictionary - Page 67
de Alexander Chalmers - 1812
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Sequel to the English Reader, Or Elegant Selections in Prose and Poetry ...

Lindley Murray - 1816 - 300 pages
...cou,.nni.ince, reduced him fo much that he never perfectly recovered. The languiiliing ftate of his health drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abney, who received him into his houfe ; where, with a conft^ncy of . friendfhip and uniformity of conduct, not bften to be found, he...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: With Critical ..., Volume 3

Samuel Johnson - 1819 - 364 pages
...and drew upon him the attention of sir Thomas Abney, who received him into his house; where with the constancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct...all the kindness that friendship could prompt, and ail the attention that respect could dictate. Sir Thomas died about eight years afterwards ; but he...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: With Critical ..., Volume 3

Samuel Johnson - 1819 - 364 pages
...that from the feebleness which it brought upon him he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and...Abney, who received him into his house ; where with the constancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was treated for thirty-six...
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The Works of the British Poets: With Lives of the Authors, Volume 23

Ezekiel Sanford - 1819 - 464 pages
...from the feebleness which it brought upon him, he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abney, an alderman of London, and afterwards one of its representatives in parliament, who received him into...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: With Critical ..., Volume 3

Samuel Johnson - 1821 - 406 pages
...from the feebleness which it brought upon him, he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abtiey, who received him into his house ; where, with a constancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct...
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The British Poets: Including Translations ...

British poets - 1822 - 282 pages
...that from the feebleness which it brought upon him he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous slate made the compassion of his friends necessary, and...into his house; where, with a constancy of friendship aud uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was treated for thirty-six years with all the kindness...
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The Baronetage of England, Volumes 1 à 2

John Debrett - 1824 - 604 pages whose house he constantly resided, and where (to use the words of the celebrated Dr. Johnson) " with a constancy of friendship, and uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was treated with all the kindness that friendship could prompt, and respect could dictate; a coalition in which...
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Sequel to the English Reader: Or, Elegant Selections in Prose and Poetry ...

Lindley Murray - 1825 - 314 pages
...continuance, reduced him so much that lie never perfectly recovered. The languishing state of his health drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abney, who...conduct not often to be found, he was treated for thirty six years, with all the kindness that friendship could prompt, and all the attention that respect...
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The Lives of the English Poets, Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1826 - 444 pages
...that from the feebleness which it brought upon him he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abuey , who received him into his house ; where, with a constancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct...
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The Psalms, Applied to the Christian State and Worship

Isaac Watts - 1827 - 204 pages
...the feebleness which it brought upon him, he never perfectly recovered. , . , . This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and...uniformity of conduct not often to be found, he was treated tor thirty-six years with all the kindness that friendship could prompt, and all the attention that...
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