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" This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abney... "
The General Biographical Dictionary - Page 67
de Alexander Chalmers - 1812
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Lives of the poets. Lives of eminent persons. Political tracts. Philological ...

Samuel Johnson, Arthur Murphy - 1834 - 724 pages
...that from the feebleness which it brought upon him he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abncy, who received him into his house ; where, witn a constancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct...
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The Psalms of David: Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and ...

Isaac Watts - 1834 - 174 pages
...that from the feebleness which it brought upon him he never perfectly recovered. This calanutous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir 1 homas Abney, who received him into his house, where, with a constancy of friendship and uniformity...
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The lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical ..., Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1835 - 472 pages
...that from the feebleness which it brought upon him he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and...constancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct not tften to be found, he was treated for thirty-six years with all the kindness that friendship could...
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Works, Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1838 - 716 pages
...that from the feebleness which it brought upon him he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and drew upon him the attention of Sir Thomas Abnev, who received him into his house ; where, with a constancy of friendship and uniformity of conduct...
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Pilgrimages to English Shrines

Mrs. S. C. Hall - 1850 - 324 pages
...Abney, of Abney Park, to visit him. As a visitor for a few weeks he was received into the house, where he was treated, for thirty-six years, with all the...that friendship could prompt, and all the attention which respect could dictate. Sir Thomas dying about eight years after the commencement of his visit,...
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Pilgrimages to English Shrines

Mrs. S. C. Hall - 1854 - 608 pages
...Abney, of Abney Park, to visit him. Asa visitor for a few weeks he was received into the house, where he was treated, for thirty-six years, with all the...that friendship could prompt, and all the attention which respect could dictate. Sir Thomas dying about eight years after the commencement of his visit,...
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Homes and Haunts of the Wise and Good, Or, Visits to Remarkable Places in ...

Mrs. S. C. Hall - 1859 - 396 pages
...Abney, of Abney Park, to visit him. As a visitor for a few weeks he was received into the house, where he was treated, for thirtysix years, with all the...that friendship could prompt, and all the attention which respect could dictate. Sir Thomas dying about eight years after the commencement of his visit,...
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Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: With Critical ..., Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1866 - 654 pages
...from the feebleness which it brought upon him, he never perfectly recovered. This calamitous state made the compassion of his friends necessary, and...thirty-six years with all the kindness that friendship conld prompt, and all the attention that respect could dictate. Sir Thomas died about eight years afterwards...
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The National Magazine: Devoted to Literature, Art, and Religion, Volume 8

Abel Stevens, James Floy - 1856 - 584 pages
...ЛЬпеу, of Abncy Park, to visit him. As a visitor for a few weeks he was received into the house, where he was treated, for thirty-six years, with all the...that friendship could prompt, and all the attention which respect could dictate. Sir Thomas dying about eight years after the commencement of his visit,...
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