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" Lord Warwick was a young man of very irregular life, and perhaps of loose opinions. Addison, for whom he did not want respect, had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however,... "
The General Biographical Dictionary - Page 162
de Alexander Chalmers - 1812
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: With Critical ..., Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1801 - 306 pages
...diligently diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expoftulations had no effe£l. One experiment, however, remained to be tried : when he found his life near its end, he dire&ed the young lord to be called ; and when he defired, with great tendernefs, to hear his laft...
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The Spectator: In Eight Volumes. : Vol. I[-VIII]., Volume 1

1803 - 422 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect : One experiment however remained to be tried. When...tenderness to hear his last injunctions, told him, / have sent for you that you may see hota a CHRISTIAN CAN DIE. Having given directions to Mr. Tickel...
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Select British Classics, Volume 11

1803 - 436 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect : One experiment however remained to be tried. near its end, he directed the young lord to be caHed ; and when he desired, with great tenderness to hear his last injunctions, told him, / have sent...
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volume 102

1855 - 620 pages
...accompany old age, and able to say with Addison to any sorrowing relative who may have needed the lesson, ' I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian ' can die." We may apply to him, with the alteration of a word or two, what he said in his letter to Sir James...
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The works of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland. With prefaces ..., Volume 1

Great Britain - 1804 - 716 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however, remained to be tried : when...end, he directed the young lord to be called ; and wh«n he desired, with great tenderness, to hear his last injunctions, told him, "I have sent for you'...
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The Lives of the Most Celebrated English Poets, with Criticisms. Extracted ...

Samuel Johnson - 1805 - 322 pages
...When he found his life near its end, he directed Lord Warwick, a young man of very irregular life, to be called ; and when he desired with great tenderness to hear his last injunctions, told him, 1 have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die. What effect this awful scene had on the...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., Volume 10

Samuel Johnson, Arthur Murphy - 1806 - 428 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expoftulations had no effect. One experiment, however, remained to be tried : when...he directed the young lord to be called; and when lie delired, with great tcntLernefs, to hear his laft injunctions, told him, " I have fent for you,...
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the lives of the most eminent english poets with critical observations on ...

samuel johnson, ll.d. - 1806 - 418 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expoftulations had no effect. One experiment, however, remained to be tried ; when...its end, he directed the young lord to be called; arad when he defired, with great ten4ernefs, to hear his laft injunctions, told him, " I have fent...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper;, Volume 3 ;Volume 151

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 598 pages
...had very dili gently endeavoured to reclaim him; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however, remained to be tried: when...can die." What effect this awful scene had on the earl, I know not: he likewise died himself in a short time. In Tickell's excellent Elegy on his friend...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 10

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 420 pages
...had v< ry diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however, remained to be tried : when...him, *' I have sent for you. that you may see how a f< Christian can die." What effect this awful scene \ * Spence. had had on the earl, I know not : he...
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