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" Lord Warwick was a young man of very irregular life, and perhaps of loose opinions. Addison, for whom he did not want respect, had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however,... "
The General Biographical Dictionary - Page 162
de Alexander Chalmers - 1812
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The Popular Encyclopedia;: pt. 1: Sketch of the progress of physical science ...

Sir Daniel Keyte Sandford - 1836 - 496 pages
...sent for his pupil, lord Warwick, a young nuin of loose life, and addressed him in these words : " I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian ran die." This scene is alluded to in the lines of Tickell on his death : " He taught us how to live,...
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The Religious Souvenir: A Christmas, New Year's and Birth Day Present

1837 - 336 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him: but Us arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however, remained to be tried. When...told him : -' I have sent for you, that you may see luno a Christian «» liie." DR. JOHNSON'S LIFE or ADDISON. ON entering Oxford, from London, one of...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: Lives of the poets

Samuel Johnson - 1837 - 754 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. e the council wiih great tenderness, to hear his last injunctions, told him, " I have sent for you, that, you may...
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The British Cyclopaedia of the Arts, Sciences, History, Geography ...

1838 - 1056 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect ; one experiment, however, remained to be tried. When...for you that you may see how a Christian can die." Having giving directions to Mr. Tickell for the publication of his works, and dedicated them on his...
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Works, Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1838 - 716 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however, remained to be tried, when...tenderness, to hear his last injunctions, told him, " 1 have sent for you, that you may see how a Christian can die," What effect this awful scene had...
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A catalogue of the pictures, models, busts, &c. in the Bodleian gallery, Oxford

John Norris - 1839 - 82 pages
...expostulations had no effect. One experiment., however, remained to be tried. Finding his life to draw near its end, he directed the young Lord to be called...for you that you may see how a Christian can die. Shortly after, on June 17, 1719, he breathed his last. (By Kneller.) In this Gallery there is also...
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Lives of the English Poets: With Critical Observations on Their Works ; And ...

Samuel Johnson - 1840 - 522 pages
...arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however, remained to be tried : when lie found his life near its end, he directed the may see how a Christian can die." What effect tlm awful scene had on the earl, I know not : he likewise died himself in a short time. In Tickell's...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

Samuel Johnson - 1840 - 742 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. vention, been withheld. Lord Warwick was a young man...and perhaps of loose opinions. Addison, for whom he créât tenderness, to hear his last injunctions, told him, " 1 have sent for you, that you n»y see...
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The poetical works of ... George Crabbe, with his letters and ..., Volume 2

George Crabbe - 1840 - 360 pages
...approaching, be directed his son-in-law, the Earl of Warwick, to be called; and when the young lord desired, with great tenderness, to hear his last injunctions,...sent for you, that you may see how a Christian can dia" In TickeU's.beautiful elegy on his friend there are these lines in allusion to this moving interview:...
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The Methodist Quarterly Review, Volume 29

1847 - 662 pages
...licentious Lord Warwick, and, with great tenderness, desiring him to listen to his last admonitions, said : "I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die." GAY, never eminent, and rarely successful in his poetic productions, has left behind him some verses...
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