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" Lord Warwick was a young man of very irregular life, and perhaps of loose opinions. Addison, for whom he did not want respect, had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him ; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however,... "
The General Biographical Dictionary - Page 162
de Alexander Chalmers - 1812
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Biographical and Critical Essays: Reprinted from Reviews, with Additions and ...

Abraham Hayward - 1859 - 476 pages
...accompany old age, and able to say with Addison to any sorrowing relative who may have needed the lesson, " I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die." We may apply to him, with the alteration of a word or two, what he said in his letter to Sir James...
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Sidney Smith. Samuel Rogers. James Smith. George Selwyn. Lord Chesterfield ...

Abraham Hayward - 1858 - 470 pages
...accompany old age, and able to say with Addison to any sorrowing relative who may have needed the lesson, " I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die." We may apply to him, with the alteration of a word or two, what he said in his letter to Sir James...
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The Poetical Works of Joseph Addison, Gay's Fables, and Somerville's Chase ...

Joseph Addison, George Gilfillan - 1859 - 428 pages
...son, a very dissipated young man, and of unsettled religious principles, to his bedside, and said, " I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die." He breathed his last on the 17th June 1709, forty-seven years old, and leaving one child, a daughter,...
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Southern Literary Messenger, Volume 32

1861 - 514 pages
...Lord Warwick, a young man of irregular life and loose principles. Taking bis hand in his, he said, " I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die." He was buried in Westminster Abbey, in the North aisle of Heury the Seventh's Chapel, in the same grave...
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The lives of the most eminent English poets; with critical ..., Volume 2

Samuel Johnson - 1864 - 442 pages
...had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him; but his arguments and expostulations had no effect. One experiment, however, remained to be tried: when...last injunctions, told him, " I have sent for you » Spence. as J.TT i rrrsrat em me." What «R~O- nt (i UK lad. I know sot ; be "^ saasJar .eisj- IK...
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Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 1

John McClintock, James Strong - 1867 - 980 pages
...and when the latter, with great tenderness, requested to receive his last injunctions, Mr. Addison told him, " I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die." The best edition of his Whole. Works is that of Bishop Hurd (Lond. 1711, 6 vols. 8vo). — Jones, Chr....
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Plain Paths, Onward and Heavenward

Plain paths - 1867 - 166 pages
...death-bed, he sent for his sonin-law, the Earl of Warwick, a wild and profligate youth, and said to him, "I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die." Let us see how Christians have died, that so we may be " delivered from the fear of death," through...
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Curiosities of London: Exhibiting the Most Rare and Remarkable Objects of ...

John Timbs - 1868 - 902 pages
...Addison died June 17, 1719 : having addressed to the dissolute Earl of Warwick these solemn words : " I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die !" he shortly after expired : "There taught us bow to live, and— oh, too high The price of knowledge...
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Singers and Songs of the Church: Being Biographical Sketches of the Hymn ...

Josiah Miller - 1869 - 656 pages sending for him, and saying to him on his arrival, with all the solemnity of a dying utterance, ' I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die.' To this Tickell refers in his excellent ' Elegy,' thus :— ' He taught us how to live ; and oh ! too...
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Singers and Songs of the Church: Being Biographical Sketches of the Hymn ...

Josiah Miller - 1869 - 660 pages sending for him, and saying to him on his arrival, with all the solemnity of a dying utterance, ' I have sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die.' To this Tickell refers in his excellent ' Elegy,' thus:— Joseph Addison. 123 ' He taught us how to...
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